fic: Itachi/Shisui: The mechanics of waking up.

May 06, 2010 00:11

well, it was bound to happen eventually. All the Naruto fic I've been reading banging around in my brain, and a Goddamn lot of Itachi/Shisui, too.

Spawned from ronsard’s comment that Itachi can only see Sasuke as a real person. I think Shisui should be in that category, too, and so this was born. :P
I also like how her Gleeful!Shisui, and all the water ( Read more... )

naruto, drabble, itachi/shisui, i am enchanted, fanfic, itachi

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pochibubblytea May 9 2010, 21:13:33 UTC
My roommate, caroline_chan mentioned this, so I had to check it out >D

Ita/Shi is my fucking kick lately, thanks to Mai xD;


soleil_et_pluie May 9 2010, 23:47:42 UTC
cool, i know caroline_chan- or rather i met her in the days of my KuroFai obsession! i am so flattered i was rec'd! :D :D :D

My god, it's like crack. Itachi/Shisui is my new, tragic doomed OTP, apparently.
But it's just so good, i can't stop :P


pochibubblytea May 13 2010, 04:49:11 UTC
Right? ;w; Those crazy boys, I mourn for them.

I'm writing Shisui/Sasuke right now. Goin' straight to hell >>;


soleil_et_pluie May 13 2010, 05:27:51 UTC
Yup. Straight to hell. But i will be excited to see your thrice-damned creation, though! xP

nthcoincident has convinced me to draw ItaShi for the greater good of all, so now my sketchbook is filling with drowned boys and kissy-Itachi/Shisui. x_x;
it's weird.


ronsard May 15 2010, 01:19:50 UTC
Are you sure when you typed 'weird' that you didn't mean to type 'awesome' instead? >:|


soleil_et_pluie May 15 2010, 03:04:42 UTC
Eheheheh. :D probably. probably a little of both.
At least it's getting me back into anime-style drawing along with the normal naked men, which is pretty stellar ;p

This ship. It's the nightmare I never wanna wake up from!

so do you guys have a parallel aim-universe where you flail?


ronsard May 15 2010, 15:06:20 UTC
Stellar, yes. Please to imagine me quietly freaking out in my mind.

I have... an aim account. Which I use an average of once per week, so I guess the answer to that is no :\ I'm not very tech-savvy, generally I just send people frightfully long emails (this is a free service which could be extended to you should you be interested). But hey, we have a community now! I don't know, we could... make a post and flail over there? I want to hear more about these fic/art projects of yours *___*


soleil_et_pluie May 15 2010, 21:45:22 UTC
well i only ask because when communities/groups of friends spring out of the ether on lj, sometimes they also talk on aim, and as for myself, i hardly ever use aim, but could be persuaded to given the right motivation. like this magical ItaShi... thing that is existing now :D

sure! email away! as for projects, i am writing the smutty follow-up to Mechanics of Waking Up, and sketching sketching sketching till i feel it is worthy of other people's eyes. lol XD i've been doing watercolor and realism for a long time at college, so yeah. :/ nthcoincident asked for a drowning!Shisui, so I'm gonna watercolor that :P
i will take any & all ItaShi prompts for art or accompanying art for fic. Request season is open! :D

also where does one find a beta around these parts?


ronsard May 15 2010, 22:07:43 UTC
Yeah, I only really use IM services to communicate with my boss, so perhaps mixing fandom with business would not be wise. Can you imagine what would happen if a message were misfired? "Mai, I asked for the powerpoint presentation for the new project, not a link to this... nakedness ( ... )


soleil_et_pluie May 16 2010, 06:03:37 UTC
l-lol that art post- if it is the one offers free art for fic recs and features a druid-type drow elf and a cat-lady walking forward- is like 7 years old. i should really replace it, gah. it's actually crappy, crappy cg, too. >_<
this is an actual recent watercolor from college:

yeah no the law firm i work at would probably not appreciate the wonders of slash, either xP

Mermaid Itachi? i haven't drawn mermaids in ages. i'll see what i can do, though. we shall see!!

oh dear. you are too good a writer too look at my craptacular writing. i am afeared. :O


ronsard May 16 2010, 06:32:38 UTC
...what are you doing in a law firm? Judging by the quality of that picture you just linked, clearly you should be chained to a drawing board in some graphic design firm or something similar, forced to slave away for the world. I mean, your life would suck, but we would have beautiful artworks, and I think our need is more important here :D

If you cleverly obscure his... tail, it could just be a picture of him loose-haired and not wearing a shirt. Underwater. What is this stupidity spewing from my mouth?

Oh come, I'm nice. I have that Asian thing where I apologize for everything I say before saying it. The drill sergeant only comes out when it's time to whip people into an Ita/Shi frenzy >:]


soleil_et_pluie May 17 2010, 05:20:21 UTC
law firm is cause it pays really well, and then i fight crime do artwork on weekends. and go to college during the school year.

Naw, if we do mermaids, we will do full-on creepy mermaids with tails and such. :D i'm already planning color selections.

lol i'll send you the next part. be kind. i'm a much better artist than writer, argh x_x;


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