fic: Itachi/Shisui: The mechanics of waking up.

May 06, 2010 00:11

well, it was bound to happen eventually. All the Naruto fic I've been reading banging around in my brain, and a Goddamn lot of Itachi/Shisui, too.

Spawned from ronsard’s comment that Itachi can only see Sasuke as a real person. I think Shisui should be in that category, too, and so this was born. :P
I also like how her Gleeful!Shisui, and all the water ( Read more... )

naruto, drabble, itachi/shisui, i am enchanted, fanfic, itachi

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ronsard May 15 2010, 22:07:43 UTC
Yeah, I only really use IM services to communicate with my boss, so perhaps mixing fandom with business would not be wise. Can you imagine what would happen if a message were misfired? "Mai, I asked for the powerpoint presentation for the new project, not a link to this... nakedness."

I took a peek at your art post just now, and... wow, your watercolor work is beautiful. I feel like this is too stupid to be a proper request, feel free to point and laugh at me, but ever since I came back to Naruto fandom at the start of this year, I have had this bizarre wish to see... Itachi as a mermaid--uh, merman. Think about it, his long hair billowing in the water, his pale skin lit by light filtering down from above. A Prufrockian setting, y/y?

If you don't mind a person who personally subscribes to the "Beta What Beta" school of writing, I'd be glad to volunteer my service. I'm pretty much free from now till June, and should probably do something other than sleep under trees and write fic. Be warned, though, I'm rusty, and have in the past been known to do things like rewrite entire passages in the fics I was editing. Actually, most people I've beta'd for tended to hate me afterward. Can't imagine why.

Anyway, if that doesn't scare you away, send your stuff here: thimbleful at gmail dot com ♥


soleil_et_pluie May 16 2010, 06:03:37 UTC
l-lol that art post- if it is the one offers free art for fic recs and features a druid-type drow elf and a cat-lady walking forward- is like 7 years old. i should really replace it, gah. it's actually crappy, crappy cg, too. >_<
this is an actual recent watercolor from college:

yeah no the law firm i work at would probably not appreciate the wonders of slash, either xP

Mermaid Itachi? i haven't drawn mermaids in ages. i'll see what i can do, though. we shall see!!

oh dear. you are too good a writer too look at my craptacular writing. i am afeared. :O


ronsard May 16 2010, 06:32:38 UTC
...what are you doing in a law firm? Judging by the quality of that picture you just linked, clearly you should be chained to a drawing board in some graphic design firm or something similar, forced to slave away for the world. I mean, your life would suck, but we would have beautiful artworks, and I think our need is more important here :D

If you cleverly obscure his... tail, it could just be a picture of him loose-haired and not wearing a shirt. Underwater. What is this stupidity spewing from my mouth?

Oh come, I'm nice. I have that Asian thing where I apologize for everything I say before saying it. The drill sergeant only comes out when it's time to whip people into an Ita/Shi frenzy >:]


soleil_et_pluie May 17 2010, 05:20:21 UTC
law firm is cause it pays really well, and then i fight crime do artwork on weekends. and go to college during the school year.

Naw, if we do mermaids, we will do full-on creepy mermaids with tails and such. :D i'm already planning color selections.

lol i'll send you the next part. be kind. i'm a much better artist than writer, argh x_x;


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