4 E-mails That Didn't Go Through When Xander Harris Sent Them, And 1 That Did

Sep 17, 2006 01:58

From: xharris@ucsd.edu
    To: isabel.evans@fandomhigh.net
    Date: Sept. 15th, 2000
    Subject: Roommates

    Just thought you should know you're in *no* danger of getting knocked out of the Best. Roomie. Ever. position anytime soon. The first one you don't even want to know about, and Larry's okay but he snores worse than me. Which I guess for a guy who used to beat me up in middle school is like a 100 percent improvement, but you still win, no contest.

    love, Xander

    To: willow.rosenberg@fandomhigh.net
    Date: Sept. 20th, 2000
    Subject: Girls named Tara Boys named Parker

    So this girl who used to be my Ethics teacher? You're totally going to the movies with her tonight. So that guy who made you hate Peter Parker without even knowing him? I totally punched him in the nose. I know you said Buffy took care of beating him with a stick, but that was your world; I felt I had to do my part in ours. Just thought it might perk up your day.

    love, Xander

    P.S. I am at this very moment using one of your pencils to make notes in my Algebra book. Except for where I'm typing, but now I'm going back to the notes thing.


    To: bridge.carson@fandomhigh.net
    Date: October 6th, 2000
    Subject: Homecoming

    If they're having it the same week as they did last time, it's Homecoming Friday, and, well, I'm not there. (Unless I am. If I made it through next year or something and I'm peeking over your shoulder, just a year older? Ignore this. And whap me upside the head for eating that brie at Dean Guererra's student mixer thing yesterday because aaaghgh.)

    I know I said I'd be there, and if I could think of any way to get me there, I would, but I got nothin'. Even looked up that place in the school handbook, portalocity.com, but just got a big old 404 page. And mapquest says "hahahahah what?" when I type in Fandom Island, Virginia.

    If you gave up on hearing from me and you're going with somebody else, just... save me a dance? Just in case?

    love you, Xander

    p.s. I finally started my construction internship. Which amazingly pays actual money, even if most of it's running right back into room and board. Willow came out to the site to take pictures - I know you're shocked. You've already got one of me in leather and one as a cowboy; I figured you might as well collect the whole Village People set.

    attachment: 50219.jpg

    To: bridge.carson@fandomhigh.net, m.parker@fandomhigh.net, john.crichton@fandomhigh.net
    Date: October 18th, 2000
    Subject: Oh, those wacky demons

    Just in case you ever wondered if Sunnydale has wackery of the non-fatal, Fandomy variety, I got split into two of me this week. Okay granted the demon *was* trying to kill Buffy, but his near-miss is my...day spent knowing how Cam and John feel.

    One of me dresses better than the other. Opinions are divided on which one of me that was.


    P.P.S. I did get a picture before Willow put us back together, though.
    P.P.P.S. ...Bridge, see other e-mail. Happy anniversary.

    attachment: 50234.jpg

    To: wwyndam-pryce@lycos.com
    Date: October 25th, 2000
    Subject: Angel plus question

    Willow said you're working with him, and there's no way in hell *this* version has e-mail, and there's no way in hell I'm calling him again, so could you pass this on, please?

    No, I was not kidding, drunk, possessed, or frakking with his head. He can, just not if he's in danger of actually doing the perfect happiness thing. And there's a prophecy about the other thing - sorry I don't have any details on it, but he didn't even let me get *that* much out before he decided I was out of my mind. So yeah.

    If he wants to know why, tell him it's the desire to prove that I will *always* be less of a dick than he is; he'll believe that easier than kindness of my heart.

    And while we've got you, ever heard of something called a Dagon Sphere?

    ~Xander Harris

wesley - xander's version, lost years, e-mail-otherwillow, season5, universe without a connor, e-mail-bridge, e-mail-parker, e-mail-isabel, e-mail-john, e-mail

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