Memory failing captain.....

Jul 05, 2005 12:36

My internet was down at work last week, and it seems that these days it is the only time I get to update my LJ, so I'll try to remember everything interesting that happened:

From the last post until last Thursday, everything is sort of a blur. Ben flew to Victoria for work, and it was lonely at times, but I got frequent updates on how things were going via Christine Evan's website.

The studio in Seattle, where the band was recording with producer Tom Hall.
I know that last Sunday after partying at Pride I drove to Tay County to hang out with Olch at his farm. We broke in the freshly dug fire pit on the far side of the pond by burning Olch's entire firewood pile. We roasted marshmallows and ate sunflower seeds for hours, watching the flames and listening to the frogs. I stayed overnight, and headed home the next day after watching From Hell on DVD. Early on in the week, I just stayed home, cleaned my room, waxed my car, and photoshopped a couple hundred more images from Israel.

Thursday: Thought about getting an e-mail to Bob Geldof for Live8 tickets, but then reminded self that the line-up sucked. Ben's cousin Jamie, from 1 Giant Leap in the UK, will be playing Live8's "Edinburgh 50,000 Final Push" show on Wednesday July 6th at Edinburgh’s Murrayfield Stadium, with the Proclaimers, Annie Lennox, Travis, and more.

Left: (l-r)Ben's dad, Bob Geldof, Michael Bochman, and Ben. Right: Duncan & Jamie at the 2003 Grammies.
Friday: Canada Day holiday. I just took it easy. I woke up early and put Bosch Platinum 4 spark plugs in my car, and then Kirsten and I went swimming at Aubrey's. Later, we went for dinner at the Queen MOther, and then to see Batman.

Saturday: Got stuck at work. Tried to get Live8 streaming feed on the computer at work to watch Pink Floyd, to no avail. Later, I drove to Hess Village in Hamilton to hang out with Deja while she worked the Corona Bar at the Gown and Gavel. We partied with two of the kitchen guys afterwards until about 4am, and then we crashed at her appartment.

Sunday: Ben came home from Victoria after playing 2 shows and recording in Seattle with Christine Evans. I picked him up from the airport, and we spent some quality time, and went to see the Batman movie. It was my 3rd time seeing it, but it's sooo good I don't mind.

Monday: We bought day passes for Wonderland and were going to spend the day on rollercoasters, but the rain had different plans, so we slept in, and spent the day in our PJs watching movies. Ben got a call from Brent Titcomb asking if he'd play bass with Liam for the Toronto Street Festival, so now he's playing with two artists there in one day. Later that night, we went to the Orbit Room for Sisters Euclid with Ben Segev who now has a website (

For the most part, I was a recluse while Ben was away, but I promised myself that when he goes back to B.C. in 2 weeks, I'll actually go out and enjoy myself, and stop avoiding my friends, which I've been doing way too much lately.

So just a reminder:
Ben will be playing on Saturday, July 9th at the Toronto Street Festival at the stage located
@ Yonge & Eglinton
3:00pm - with Christine Evans
5:30pm - with Liam Titcomb for more info.
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