Mar 10, 2005 03:08
I had been feeling kinda down lately with all the cold weather, school work, and Ben working most nights now with his cover band. I miss him a lot, but we worked out a deal where he has to set some of the $24,000 aside for ice cream dates, so I can't be truly upset. And when they play Casino Niagra, I decided to tag along and wear the most pimpin' outfit I can put together, possibly involving faux fur, just for the joke.
This week was definately what the doctor ordered though. First I interviewed for a new job, and got it, so I give my notice at the cleaners tomorrow, which really will be only 1 wk notice but I don't care. I'll be doing customer service and temp. leasing for Morguard Investments at Centerpoint. More money, with a computer and net access, and a chair glued to my ass. I can't complain. And I can't wait to quit my other job. I will, however, have to go shopping for more conservative business wear. I realized that of the dress pants, blouses and jackets I own, most of them are way too "rock and roll" for my new position. I barely found something to wear for the interview.
Then Ben got a call from the Titcombs asking him to play bass and mandolin for Liam at his CD release party this Monday at Hugh's Room. Finally things are starting to happen. Buy his CD out in stores now, so he can afford to pay Ben for a tour, and then Ben can buy me more ice cream. See how that works?
And on top of all that, both Ben and I got a job wearing bunny costumes and handing out candies at the mall towards the end of the month for Easter at $10/hr. If the money wasn't so good, it still would've been worth it just for the stories and insanity of it all.
Tonight I had drinks with Vee at Marlowe on College St. which was nice. We talked about music, film, his 2 yr old son, and how we can barter some services between my photography and his marketing company.
I downloaded a shitload of Billy Joel tunes yesterday just because. Then I realized most of my favourite tunes are from the album "The Stranger", so I'm just gonna buy it tomorrow.