Title: The 12 Days of Christmas - The Winchester Remix
clover71Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: slight Chuck/Becky. Sam, Dean, Bobby, Castiel, John, Ellen, Jo, Gabriel, Crowley, Tessa, Chuck, Becky, Michael, Raphael, Anna, Zachariah, and OCs.
Warnings: Crack!fic, slight spoilers for season five, language, mentions of sexual situations
Rating: PG-13
auntmo9Current Word Count: 3659
Summary: During the 12 days of Christmas, someone starts sending Sam and Dean the most unusual gifts. Basically, a Supernatural/Christmas parody.
Fic Masterpost On the seventh day of Christmas the apocalypse gave to me . . .
The seventh morning was exactly the same as the ones before it. At dawn, the hunters were in Bobby's kitchen waiting for the next set of gifts to arrive. As the sun rose over the horizon, seven pale figures appeared and started wailing.
Seven banshees, pagan deities who foretell death, had appeared. Everyone quickly covered their ears to protect against the banshee's call. After a few minutes of the high, loud noise, they stopped.
"Hello. We owed Loki a favor, and he told us to come here as a Christmas prank for a Sam and Dean. Which one of you would that happen to be?" One of the women asked.
"I'm Sam. Loki, the Norse trickster, sent you?"
"Oh yes. Rather strange prank, but there you are. He said it was a request from someone he owed a favor to." Another one of the deities said.
"I'm Dean. Did he say who he owed the favor to?"
"No, I'm afraid not. I got the impression that it's a long story that Loki really doesn't want to think about, let alone talk about." A third banshee informed them.
"Do you have any idea where Loki is? We'd really like to know who wants to pull this kind of prank on us."
"You're in luck Deano. I just happen to be right behind you. Did you miss me much?" The archangel turned trickster said.
"And that is our cue. Nice meeting you!" They all screeched in unison as the disappeared.
"So where is my little bro at? I thought he'd be here." Gabriel said as he looked around the room.
"Hello Gabriel." Castiel said as he appeared next to Dean.
"Ah! There you are! The little rebel that could! How's it hangin?"
"I am well Gabriel, if a little stressed. Who is responsible for the unique presents that Sam and Dean have been receiving over the past several days?" The angel asked his wayward brother.
A look of regret crossed the trickster's face at the question. "Sorry, no can do. I swore a vow not to say anything until they revealed themselves to you. Although, I cannot wait to see your reactions when they do reveal themselves." Gabriel told them in a singsong voice.
"You're just going to leave us high and dry here?" Sam asked.
"Yep. It's only going to be for a few more days. Well, gotta go. So many people to prank, so little time."
With that, he disappeared, leaving everyone staring at the spot where he'd been standing.
"Fuck my life. Anyone want some pie? I really need some pie right now." Dean said as he made his way towards the apple pie on the counter.
. . . Seven banshees a screeching,
Part 8