Friday the 13th in Buffalo...

Oct 18, 2006 19:34

Damn...that was one hell of a storm, eh?!

First off, I'd like to thank all National Grid and NYSEG workers and all of the other Electric Company workers who are all out there working their asses off from dawn till dusk, cutting trees, climbing poles, re-wiring wires and so on...You guys are fucking amazing! Thank you all so fucking much for stepping up and helping out as much as you have! You all fucking rock! If it wasn't for these guys, we would all still be in the dark and half of us would prolly have died by with that said, THANK YOU ALL!

Quick update...

Thursday: I left my house to get Dave from work at about quarter to 4/4-ish...the thruway was HORRIBLE so I said fuck it and took Sheridan to Harlem...BAD IDEA! I was stuck on Harlem between Sheridan and Main for an hour and a half because power lines were down, trees were blocking the road and there were accidents everywhere. It was sick! I get to Dave's work finally at a little after 6...we get to Volleyball. The whole way there, everywhere is out of power. Clarence got hit BAD! The school we play volleyball at had no power, the bar we go to after for food and drinks, had no power...BUT! They were open, serving food and drinks! We went in and ate and drank by candlelight! It was fun! The power finally came back on so we went over and played one and a half games and then the power went out. We gave it a few, but we called it a night. THAT sucked! So the storm was pretty, but scary and dangerous! Kinda shitty for October the 13th...and a little eerie too, eh?!

So...I FINALLY have power as of about 2:30pm yesterday! I came home after having to work at 5a to being able to take a nice hot shower without having to use a flashlight to see what I was washing! OMG I was so fucking happy! Damage to our property is small. The neighbor's tree fell on my pond, cracked the waterfall and now the poor fish have no filtration. Our Home Owner's Insurance BETTER FUCKING COVER IT! OR I WILL SUE! Anyhoo...I have been deathly ill. Hence why I didn't update sooner. I was sick the past few weeks with a very bad sinus infection and needless to say, this storm came at the worst possible time. After one night of no heat and electricity, I woke up feeling miserable. Pain in my chest and throat, coughing, wheezing, sore throat, my whole body was sore...Then I started having weak spells. I'd be all fine and able to hold myself up one minute and the next, I'd feel faint and fall to the ground. So I spent most of Friday sleeping. Friday sucked. Saturday was worse. I went into work Friday to "take a look at things" and "keep an eye on the store while we didn't have power". Which was complete and utter BULLSHIT! Still not having power on Saturday, I was expected to work noon to 5p...which I did. And let me tell you, working in a cold, dark dungeon like Mobil fucking sucked! Then again, I wasn't busy at all because there was that driving BAN in AMHERST! And so I just sat there, talked on my cell, messaged ppls and did NOTHING! Kinda like what a normal day at Mobil is like! Minus the bitchy customers! Then Sunday...ahh glorious Sunday. The day I came down with a 104.6 temp and my Mom flipped out! She almost went as far as calling up Kristin and telling her that I was in the hospital and to not expect me Monday, Tuesday OR Wednesday. The diagnosis; pneumonia! As if this shit storm mother nature so lovingly dropped on us out of nowhere wasn't enough, my poor ass was stuck in a freezing cold house, sicker than a dog with no hope of getting power back till Midnight Sunday, the following week...As if that wasn't enough, I was scheduled Monday 5:45a-12:45p and Tuesday and Wednesday 5:45a-11:45a. Yeah it's only a 7 and two 6 hour shifts, but when your house is 40 something degrees, you've been bailing your sump pump out round the clock for four days AND nights, those small shifts seem like forever...and a day! It sucked! But I did it. I slept from 2am-5am Monday morning...worked. Got maybe two hours of sleep Monday-Tuesday and then last night, I got maybe five hours of sleep. We finally got hooked up to a generator Saturday early morning, but we had to share and we still had to bail the sump pump. Then my Grandfather told my Mom to put one on hold at her work when they got another shipment she did. And we have a generator...we get it home and out of the box Monday night and it's damaged. But our neighbor across the street helped us fix it. And while doing so, I look up and I'm like, "uh hey guys, is YOUR power on!?!?" They all looked across the street and all at once everyone cheered! The fucking people across the street from me got power Monday night. BASTARDS! But yesterday when I was with Dave for lunch, I called my house and OUR ANSWERING MACHINE PICKED UP! I was so fucking happy!

To everyone who doesn't have power...unless you're using someone else's computer, you can't read this! But if you are reading this and you don't have patient, I know it sucks right now, believe me I do! But they WILL have everyone on no later than midnight Sunday.

I hope everyone is doing well and I hope everyone's friends, families and pets made it through this disaster. This is like the fucking Katrina of the Northeast! But we're strong and we'll make it through!

Good luck to everyone!

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