Alright ya'll here are my picks for the contested county government races. I have included everyone that's running, and their websites or bios I could find online (that I know of), those listed in bold are my picks.
The candidates I've chosen are progressive candidates, those that:
- support a treatment philosophy for our local juvenile justice programs and local jail rather than a lock up and build more jails philosophy
- support a green economy which includes sustainable development and smart growth planning instead of slipshod development
- have an understanding of different cultures and mental health disabilities
- encourage innovative ways to involve the public in county govt.
- has the ability to work collaboratively with others that might not share the same views
I could go on, but I'll stop there.
FYI, this is a primary election, so I'll only be talking about the Dems.
County Commissioners
District 2:
Mark Stoops: interested in health care in our county, does not want to spend tons of money on a new jail that will fill up anyways, supports treatment to reduce recidivism.
Steve Sharp: no online info I could find
District 3:
Sophia Travis: Super awesome progressive that's on county council right now, she has her own blog that she updates quite frequently. I feel like she's one of the more innovative candidates on the ballot this election and she plays the accordion!
Blog: Iris Kiesling: Seems like she's a pretty conservative democrat and not so much into smart growth and planning County Council (can choose 3 At-Large candidates)
At Large (I still can't decide between Geoff and Will yet)
Julie Thomas: I'm volunteering with Julie during this campaign, I met her while volunteering at Middle Way House (she's on the board and has helped organize Take Back the Night), she's all about a green economy and making govt. more accessible. She used to be an instructor at IU and now owns her own green business.
Warren Hennegar: been on the county council for a long time and worked as a soil conservation technician
Geoff McKim: Will Murphy: has been a radio personality and journalist for years, main concern is poverty, doesn't think we should raise taxes (not that the county controls much of the taxes, it's mostly the state that has power over that, though there is something called a county option income tax, which has been suggested to use in order to build a juvenile treatment center).
Marcus Moir: no website that I know of. Doesn't seem to know much about what's going on in the community, but I think after this experience he may come back better prepared to run and learn about ways we can improve our community.
Nicholas Hoarsley (I think he dropped out, but will still be on the ballot)
Auditor (not sure if I'm going to vote at all for this race)
Amy Gerstman: If she wins, it may be contested since she probably wasn't supposed to run in the first place since she works for a state agency that accepts federal money.
Sandy Newmann:'s been a lot of controversy about her performance on the job and management skills.
Regina Malloy: Cathy Smith: She was moved from a position in the Auditors office because of poor performance, so I'm a little reluctant to vote for her. Monroe County Circuit Court Judge, Division VI
Val Haughton: awesome, she used to work as a mental health counselor, which really brings more of a sensitivity to the issues she sees in the courtroom. You can tell she's in it to help the community, not for a bigger paycheck.
Holly Harvey: to focus on efficiency a whole lot.
Alphonso Manns: Fred Turner: don't like this guy, he said some things in a forum that I thought were pretty ignorant.
Monroe County Circuit Court Judge, Division IX
Elizabeth Cure: voting for Elizabeth, she used to work in an inner city school in Indy and is promoting an evidence-based mediation program for youth.
Roy Graham: a fan of this guy, he supports building a new jail (not big on treatment)
D.L. Poer: seems pretty good too
Coroner (I think either would be fine)
Jerry Reid
Hillard Trubitt