
Feb 23, 2009 20:34


Solace is officially closed, but keep an eye out for our new game in September!

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( RESERVE ) ♥ Gaignun Kuaki, Jr. pt.5 mortuary May 9 2009, 09:25:55 UTC
And that's were he was, flying through space, until he was unceremoniously snatched up from a rather nice nap.

PERSONALITY: The saying "never judge a book by it's over" has never been so right when it comes to the boy named Gaignun Jr. Kukai, appearances can be deceiving and you wouldn't be the first to think Jr. nothing but a carefree and immature child. But truth be told he is quite the character, with more layers to him than an onion could handle. While he will often act his physical age, he does sometimes slip up and say something that gives away his actual age, proving that he is quite the intellectual underneath, with his quick and sharp wit and an aptitude to pick up anything that he takes enough interest in. He's a thoughtful and introspective man, with a huge heart and heroic spirit with no problem taking on things much bigger than himself.

Although his childish antics and behavior are for certain not a cover up, regardless of his actual age Jr. can be as immature and childish as the next person. Perhaps even more. He's incredibly competitive, going all out when it comes to anything compared to a competition, and has a inclination to show off may it be reciting something from a book or even in battle. If you pay close attention you would notice the dramatic flair he tends to have most of the time. He can be impulsive at times and will rush into trouble without thinking, which doubled with his natural love for adventure can get him into a lot of trouble ( and even forced to do extra paperwork ). When it comes to his interests, he can be easily compared to a kid locked in a candy shop, his love for antiques, books and firearms can revert Jr. to a kid who has had fifteen Christmases come at the one time, he isn't above fanboying and when he does he does it loudly. Jr. is an expression person, wearing his heart on his sleeve even if he does try to hide some times.

In contrast to this Jr. is a responsible and protective person, even though he wouldn't look like at first glance. He has a heart of gold and is someone who feels it's his job as leader to take care of those below him, this most likely was born from his days with his brothers in the Institute. He keeps his promises as if they were carved into his very soul, so if he fails in some way Jr. does take it to heart. He blames himself for what happened on Milita, not only because he was leader but he was the eldest and believed it was his duty to protect his brothers somehow and he failed. Jr. will try to hide his hurt, his guilt and pretend things are fine in order to keep himself from being a burden to friends even though at times his plan can fail miserably.

Jr. is a good friend who will stick with you through thick and thin, even if you have an entire army chasing you he'll be there. And while he is the driving force behind the Kukai Foundation he knows a bit about politics and carries himself as a charismatic leader, who keeps his head level and cool most of the time. But that won't change the fact that the kid has a temper, with his issues about his height and certain complexes that will be kid hidden for the sake of the rest of the world, push the wrong buttons and Jr. can and will go off. Disregarding that, he's a good guy really lucky for you he has a better control of his temper than he used too huh?


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