Casting, casting, & more casting.

Jun 21, 2007 18:50

Doctor Who & Torchwood
First, John Simm on Doctor Who (along with the amazing Derek Jacobi), and now James Marsters is going to be on Torchwood?! AWESOME. Fandom worlds colliding all over the place. Someone (I can't remember who) mentioned that they hope Marsters plays another Time Agent. I have no idea what he might play, but I've gotta say that the absence of a Time Agent storyline was something that was very disappointing about Torchwood's first season. When the Torchwood series was first announced, I was so excited because I thought it would explore, at least somewhat, Jack's backstory with the Time Agency & his missing 2 years. When we first meet him in DW, those missing 2 years are very important to him. It's one of the first things he tells The Doctor & Rose. So, he gets his very own series and...nothing. Not one hint about the Time Agency or what happened. So, I'm really hoping that will be explored in season 2. If not, what a wasted opportunity! Having a big question mark there is great for fanfiction and all, but I want some discussion of it in canon.

Speaking of canon & continuity. I ADORED the last episode. ADORED it. My only question is...did they forget how they ended Torchwood? At the end of "End of Days," Jack sees the Hand In Jar going crazy, signaling the Doctor's near. Ok. But then when he approaches the jar, not only do we hear the Tardis, and see the whoosh of air caused by the Tardis, but reflected in the glass jar is the Tardis itself. We can see the blue box in the reflection. So...Jack didn't just get an alarm and then go racing out. In "End of Days" the actual Tardis appears IN THE HUB. I'm hoping this will be explained & incorporated. Maybe The Doctor goes back earlier in time to the Hub, to before Jack jumped on the Tardis? (The DW timeline makes my brain hurt.) Whatever the explanation, I'm just hoping that there is one. I really hope they're not just ignoring/forgetting what they did in Torchwood. Because continuity is of the good.

I don't usually talk a lot about casting, but lately I seem to be doing just that. Huh.

So, word around good ol' LJ is that there will be two female hunters added to the cast? And apparently some people are upset about this. I dunno, something like that. I don't really hang around general SPN boards. I'm just there for the vids. Personally, I think this could be very cool. If they're well written, kick ass hunters? Awesome. I'm a little worried they'd be lame cardboard cut-outs, all about being sexy. BUT, I have to say, so far I've been very impressed with the writers. I'm more than willing to give it a try. Hardcore women demon hunters? That could be very cool indeed. Sure, it might change the dynamics of the show, if they're regulars, but I'm keeping an open mind. Could be good.

David Anders (aka Sark) is joining Heroes!! Yay! I was so excited I could barely contained myself when I heard this...until I heard who he'll be playing. Now, I have to believe that this is a rumor. Because if it's not...*sigh* This would not be good. Rumor is that he's playing the great Japanese hero Kensei. Um, excuse me? The great Japanese hero that Hiro looks up to is going to be played by a white guy? PLEASE, writers, do not let this be true! So many fans are already starting to get annoyed with the way race is being handled on the show (aka The Haitian). Do not make the great Japanese savior be a white guy. But I'm hopeful that this is a fake spoiler. This is just a rumor. I refuse to believe my beloved show would be this lame. Now, I LOVE David Anders. I want him on the show! Just not playing Kensei. How awesome would it be if he was The Villain Who Is Worse Than Sylar? OMG that would be badass. Zachary Quinto & David Anders can have a villain-off. It would be made of awesome.

Speaking of Heroes casting, I noticed Aishwarya Rai in a L'Oreal commercial the other day. She really is breaking into Western tv, isn't she? Awesome. The other cast members have no idea what they're in for, press wise. When it comes to the Bollywood stars, the Indian papers are worse than British tabloids. What she wore to a party and who she smiled at (and "OMG, does that mean they're dating?") is front page news. Heh, the others won't know what hit them. When she got married earlier in the year, people travelled for days from all over the country. There were celebrations everywhere. It was like a Royal wedding. I have a feeling Sendhil is going to get the brunt of it, for obvious reasons.

And I still love Jack Coleman's look in this icon picture. *pets icon*

Also, here's another random picture of Aishwarya. Just because I thought it was pretty.

heroes, torchwood, doctor who, supernatural

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