a sister's loving message

Jan 28, 2004 17:52

Yesterday began well, but by mid-afternoon, I was down. Down enough to have tears involuntarily flood my eyes. It was mostly loneliness...the kind of loneliness that occurs not when one is alone, but feels completely rejected and useless. I think it falls pretty close to the depression category.

Anyway, today I got an e-mail from my sister. It was one of those forward things that people tend to love in high school, but are usually annoying to older crowds. Today was an exception.

Here's what the forward said:

If you're askin if I need you,
the answer is forever!
If you're askin if I'll leave you,
the answer is never!
If your askin what I value,
the answer is You!
If you're askin if I love you,
that answer is I DO!

My sister is very special to me. Obviously, in some mysterious way, she knew I needed support. Not only did she send me this today, but last night, I also dreamt about her. I feel very grateful to have such a loving family.

In other news, Bryan and I saw 'Big Fish' last night. I had a $5 off coupon, and we went to a smaller theatre, so it cost half the price it usually does. We wouldn't have gone, otherwise. We're too poor right now. ^^;; But it was good for us to get out and have a little date. ^_^ It was a decent movie. It's got several funny parts.

Now I'm at work. Gonna get some food soon. Maybe yummy soup! I hope they have a veggie selection today.

Anyway, I hope you all have a good night! Namaste.
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