baring my soul...again

Jan 23, 2004 11:26

This is me. I know who I am, for the most part, anyway.
I work actively to grow. I strive to recreate myself in the Grandest Vision of the Grandest Vision I have of myself.
I want to make the world a "better" place...a world of love, understanding, openmindedness, peace and joy.
I am eccentric. I am unconventional. Am I these things merely for the sake of being them? No. I would be basing myself on something outside of myself if I were.

I am me. I really like me, but I do not place myself "higher" than anyone else.
Some people don't like me, though. Some just come from very different life perspectives. Others, I think, fear me...for varying reasons.

I try to be as open as possible. I do not want to hide a single thought or feeling. I attempt to boldly state my innermost desires and fears.
I summon the courage to be open as much as possible.

I am happy. I love life. I love people. I love nature. I love learning.

I am an idealist. I am a dreamer. I am a believer. I am a optimist.

This is me.

And obviously some people can't handle that.

I have lost Alex-kun because of my unconventional methods of experimentation of consciousness.
I have lost Heather because of my desire to help others tap the divinity within themselves.
I have lost support from people in general because I have experienced things they haven't. They back away in fear, for people tend to fear things they do not understand, and there is much to me people obviously don't understand.

And it hurts. I cannot deny it. Everyday I feel a little more crucified.
It is a choice I have made, though.

I could be wrong. I could be wrong about everything. I admit it. Goodness knows that philosophically speaking, the only thing one can really be certain of is our own consciousness, as Descartes put forth in "Cogito, ergo sum"/"I think, therefore I am."

So, in my mind, it comes down to openness and trust. I do not blindly accept any theory placed before me. I do try to consider everything. I try not to dismiss anything "just because." I test things in my own way. I measure things up to see how they fit with the ideas I have already in place. I look inward to see how I intuitively feel about it. And even if it doesn't mesh with me, I try to acknowledge and accept that others may incorporate it into their truth, and I try to respect that. This is what I hope to receive in return, but it would be foolish and unfair to expect it.

I could be crazy. I could be deluded. But I'm not going to doubt myself just because the possibility exists. I will continue to expand and explore trusting myself until proven "wrong." After all, will my attempts to expand my spirituality, to provide more love and understanding to the world create damage in some way? I suppose it is possible, but I doubt it. And if it does, my most heartfelt apologies.

This is why I do what I do and why I am who I am.
I will not let others' doubts taint me. I will not reject myself because others reject me.
This is my choice, and I am at peace with it.

Few are those who can see with their own eyes and hear with their own hearts.
- Albert Einstein

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
- T. S. Eliot

Peace, love and joy to you all, my friends. Namaste - the God in Me honours the God in You.
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