Strange, recurring dream

May 08, 2008 12:02

I had a dream this morning that I know I have had at least once before, as happens sometimes. I am trying to infer its meaning.

In this dream I am standing on a rooftop, in a dangerous, run-down part of the city at night, near the airport, when a piece of paper trash catches my eye. It is a paystub, and written on it is the word "HELP." I unfold it to find a short note that says, "My name is ____ ____, I am a ___-year old woman who has been abducted. Please help!" (Blanks indicate a gap in my memory). Somehow I recognize her name from the internet.

The dream then finds me at some sort of loud party in a vast warehouse with an adjacent office. I am wearing my black double-breasted suit and a red, striped tie, standing by the door to that office, and suddenly two grim-looking men in their mid-20s come in and are dragging young woman behind them, into the office. They tell me to get out of the way - this is their warehouse - and they flash knives to accentuate the point. At this time, I somehow realize that this is the girl who wrote the note and they intend to rape her. Being unarmed and desperate for a plan as to how to stop them, I just happen to notice half a dozen guys wearing camouflage and other hunting paraphernalia, who are carrying compound bows.

Somehow I direct them to the problem, and they very quietly walk toward the office door, which is in a vestibule. One guy asks me to hold his reading glasses. As the sounds of anguished crying and animalistic, cruel laughter emanate from the office, the man asks me exactly what I want them to do. I tell him the situation, and instruct him to take out the rapists with lethal force. So the archers stand in the vestibule, and as one kicks the door down, I overhear "WTF?!" coming from the office. All six of them unleash a deadly volley, dispatching the bastards in a hail of arrows, and I smiled, knowing that these two men would never get another chance to claim another victim.

The dream ended shortly thereafter, but I could swear that the last time I had this dream, the bows misfired. I'll take this version, which is no less mysterious and leaves me wondering as to its psychological origins.

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