cc'ed to
I had intended
scarletmagdalen to be my public blog to discuss my thoughts and views on the Great Work. The problem with this is that I do a lot of deeply intense, personal work and I not only don't publicize that, but it goes into select filters on my LJ here
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I feel that it's karmically right, though, to offer my words -- as perhaps a child of Hermes Logios, as a spiritual person who believes that all religions and orders have -something- right (and not -everything- right), as someone who tries to mesh all of the general mish-mash and come up with something not only coherent but eloquent... And I have always hoped that in writing to you, it is my way of acting in the world, to further someone else who is on a path that I have not tread (or perhaps have tread in another incarnation).
I believe we're all good, and all looking for that "love and light". Unconditional love, and enlightenment. I don't ever think about what I'm going to get back, but if I can give it and it will help, it's my love. And perhaps it's my little Aphrodite inside saying that this is how I love -- or one of the ways I do so. And enlightenment? Well, with Hermes as my teacher, I guess I don't have much choice but to keep learning and spreading the light, right? The trickster will have his way regardless, so I might as well just take it in grace and give of my heart in the best purity I can manage, y'know?
I think it scares people when I am so forthcoming and free and open with my "love" -- in the grander definition of how I express my passion to the world and to each individual in a unique form -- I can't apply one form of "love" to everyone uniformly.
I love sharing with you. It warms my heart to know that you appreciate it. I shall continue to share. I am glad for our conversations/chatter.
But hey, if you're inspired, awesome. People in my life inspire me too and it's a happy. But as I say, be yourself and that's what counts. There's no measuring tape here--just peers on the path.
Life is long. I hope we will be able to hang out when *I* start doing the whole stability thing that you and everyone who is more than 2 years ahead of me has managed to get done...
We were at... Giza, I think. The Goth/Industrial DJs tend to not gather a large crowd, and so every couple of months, the club owners tend to knock the night out because it just isn't profitable, y'know?
I haven't been out in ages. Last time was to a club to see Melt perform.
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