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Mar 29, 2010 15:30

recent nices things

-All my Exalted game are awesome. It's so fun to play Javane again, Gentille is really a fun character and Amaro is a weird little boy, but he's fun too play

-Sewing is also awesome. I started the coat for my cosplay and I intend to progress a lot on the coat AND the rest of the cosplay this week.

And my chainsaw is gonna be awesome

-Gonna have my Jackie Kennedy-ish suit for sunday :)

-Spend time with Mat, watching Star Trek Voyager and Baccano! Both are awesome series, I'll be happy to watch more of them this week

-Made a small screening at my home. We were around 10 persons, it was fun. We watched Cutie Honey, My wife is a ganster and Great yokai war. Last one is not that great, but the others were really nices :3

Everybody seemed to have fun

-Bought a whole buch of new clothes yesterday for a ridiculous price. 2 sixties-ish dresses, 2 nurse dresses (yes, nurse XD), a t-shirt and a pair of pants for my cosplay, some bowtie kit and a sailor shirt !

24$ ahahaahah XD

-Spent way to much a the Marche Clandestin who's saddly really closing down...same goes for the mnagaya in fact. I bought the movie "The Cat's return" ,the drama "Honey and Clover", the 3 entire seasons of Kenshin and the first season of Black Lagoon for 100$ <3 <3 <3

-Started a painting and I'm proud of it. It's just a character design of Javane I upgraded with a BG, but I really like it and I'm probably gonna post it soon, I intend to work on in tonight

-I'm a bit worried for a lot of my friends recently :/

-Who 's going to come to Anime North? Or who want to? And I want to do a cospaly chase this year again !

-I really didn't sleep enough last week, never had time

-Went to see Avatar with Lay last monday. It was beautiful... and ok, scenario -wise...nothign amazing, but it would worth being bought in DVD... but I say that and I have like....300000 movies I think would being bought on DVD x.x

-By the way I'm already drooling just thinking of Mat in his Will cosplay. and Edgeworth cosplay... Because theirs suits are nice and it fit Mat so well <3 <3

And the props of Will will be amazing too :D

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