Mar 04, 2010 13:54

Recently I

-Spent nice evenings with Mat. He even made me supper :3

-Watched Nazca with him. It's so-so for now

-Watched There will be brawl . Awesome webserie mixing Super Smash Brawl and SinCity. Actually really good for a "film noir" done with Nintendo characters . The quality is quite good... Violent, obscene.... but also quite good. I'm now a fan :D I suggest you check it out:

-Spent time with friend yesterday. Was fun. Saw Sei and Andrew too, I don't see them often now :/.

-Saw awesomes shorts movies saturday night, with friends and boyfriend <3

-Spent hours chatting with Anna at the much that we pretty much covered everything we could. We need to find others things to talk about XD.

-Spent a lot of time doing the action of being a fan of Kuroshitsuji. Often with Anna.

-I'm gonna cosplay Grell. Cosplay started :D I'm gonna have the chainsaw, thanks to Mat's father.

-Comic is doing better. I'm slowly coming near the 30 pages... and after that, 14 pages again @_@. Then inking, then shading

-Found a chibi style I like and will use from now on:

-Started re-reading The Lord of the Rings; The Two Towers. Fun :3

-I'm considering to start learning japanese again. I will need it in a couple of years, I'm supposed to go traveling over there, so I need to be able to speak/understand it a bit

-Went to cegep a couple of time, saw Boul and Chibi :D

-Had awesome Exalted games. Brin joined our Tonalli game too. :D

-Playing Super Mario Wii with baba is <3.... but I'm really not good at it

-Can't find were I put my R4 ;_; I'm missing it, I want music ...For now, I used Grooveshark at my job, but I can't listen to all the music I want ;_;

-I'm doing overtime tonigh until 8pm, as well as tomorrow. More cash :D And working in the same shift as Rom is gonna be weird XD

-Then , this week-end, Exalted game and cosplay sewing. I also hope to have the time to do comics pages:)

-Mat will be cosplaying Will from Kuroshitsuji and Miles Edgeworth for Ace attorney series. i'm soooo happy, I loooooove it when he do cosplay, plus I ADORE the look of Miles and Will :D

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