(no subject)

Feb 14, 2010 05:02

-Wenesday, Kilo day. Was fun. Got my drawings over corrected by Ariane. Is happpy because she find so many mistakes I can correct before is too late. Is a bit scared about what Ariane will think of her comic, since she will see so many mistakes I won't correct because I will not see them.
Learn also a HAPPY NEW, but since the persons who are CONCERNED ABOUT IT THINK IT'S A STATE SECRET (:P) I can;t talk about it =_=
-Thursday. Unfortunatly, Marché; Clandestin, wich is a place were we could rent animes and asians movies DVDs is closing. It will reopen as Memento Mori, a store/maid cafe/rental club.They were selling a LOT of DVDs. Me and Mat went to the big sale. Here is our loot..... I like loot :D

Baccano DVD 2-3-4(just missing the first one)

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Nazca, complete serie (4 DVDs)

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-Fushigi Yuugi's OAVs, Collector edition
-My wife is a ganster (an awesome Korean movie.... ok the trailer is weird, but the movie is REALLY good)

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-Cutie Honey live action movie
-The great Yokais war live action movie

-Star Trek first serie, first season, in Blue-Ray
-Heroes third season, Blue-Ray
-4 wu-shus movies XD

So yep
 loooooot of loot

- Also....I now have contact lences. Zomg...

-And tuesday, Mat bought me some flowers, beautiful roses *.* (I explooooded of joy)

-Just played a fun Exalted game. I really enjoyed playing my character , it was quite an interesting experience. The inspiration was Grell from Kuroshitsuji (come on , I won`t elaborate too much on a one shot character), but I develloped him  and in the end he was not so much like him... in personality, because he did have glasses with a chain, pointy-ish teeths, longs hairs and was using a f****** CHAINSAW in battle XD. But yep, he was in fact crazy  and really mean.
Guillaume came up with an interesting plotline that will be connected with Mat`s games :D.

By the way, my character was named Staryu, Mat`s one (such a bitch =_=) was Raichu and Brin`s one was  Sandsrew. Npcsw included Graveler, Arcanine, Oddish and Phineon..... see a recuring term in the names ? XD

Oh.... and  my character almost got called Noir. Brin's one Gato  and Mat's one Forèe. Ahahaha , we're really stupid.

Also, pretty epics things includinfs Layla's demon parents  and a Tim Hortons
Some Grell:

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-When we arrived.... we noticed the appartement was cleaner than when we left.... Mat`s parents came in.... and cleaned it.... O.O Probably as a gift since it`s mat birthday today... soooo awesome.

-I also made an apple cake for Mat. Happy birthday my love ^^

Now.... must go to sleep. It`s 5am =_=

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