From Twitter 02-08-2010

Feb 09, 2010 02:07

  • 00:42:34: Back from G-Anime. Still didn't sell much, I hope I'll find something to arrange that soon =_=
  • 12:38:09: At the job. I succombed and bought a coffee. I really didn't sleep enough, my cats were all crazy and attention whores this night @_@
  • 12:42:43: I want to remove the thing that make my Twitter posts also posted on my LJ. Does someone know how? I can't find anything about it anywhere!
  • 14:58:11: @ annierodrigue No you' re not the only one @_@
  • 14:59:14: Got 2 news watchers on DA because of G-Anime :D Always fun to meet news people in cons :D

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