Little Bit of Politics

Jul 31, 2008 21:35

I know I don't usually enter into political comment, leaving that to Fash who is, let's face it, far more informed about these things than I. But something I caught on a radio news bulletin earlier seemed to demand comment.

Radovan Karadzic has gone on trial for atrocities committed (best add in an "allegedly" here, as he's not been convicted yet) in the Balkan conflict. He's come out with a number of statements in court, one of which is a claim that he's agreed some kind of deal with a former US Ambassador, Richard Holbrooke.

But what caught my ear was a statement about this alleged deal by some US spokesperson - I didn't catch the name, unfortunately. The US are, predictably, denying Karadzic's claim and, in an attempt to show how ridiculous the whole idea was, this chap said: "...who are you going to believe, one of the greatest mass murderers of all time, or the US Government?".

I don't know about you, but it's the "or" in that statement that got me...
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