Wee Update

Apr 19, 2010 12:07

Well I'm starting to worry that I'm taking too much on sewing-wise. I have 5 projects that need to be done the week before Uprising. In order of necessity:

1. Grey wool velvet Elizabethan fitted gown/coat. I have the fabric, but not a usable pattern. Gotta make a doublet bodice pattern.
2. 1780s dress. I think I've decided on an anglaise. I got some lovely silk taffeta for very cheap on ebay, and its a pretty sea green/mint color. Not a good color for SCA purposes, so I figure I'll use the silk taffeta for the over gown and silk organza for the underskirt. Maybe have a polonaise option. Gotta get this done before the tea!
3. Greco-Roman dress. I have the white linen already. It's probably going to be knee length and sleeveless. Got some authentic-looking sandals, too.
4. Black and red silk 1570s Elizabethan. This gown is going to be so awesome- once I actually make it! Black silk over gown, red embroidered silk sleeves and forepanel.
5. My friend wants me to make him a waffenrock. He's not going to uprising so I don't need to have it done for that, but he'll need it for events right after.

HOW OH HOW ON EARTH am I going to finish all this near or around June 7th? The red and black gown isn't super important, but I would like to have it at Uprising. The coat MUST be made since I froze to death last year, and cheap cloaks don't cut it. The greco-roman should get made in just a day, easy enough to do (I hope).

My semester ends May 7, so I'll have the whole month of may to sew me pasta-filled guts out. I'm not going to an SCA event until May 30th, so nothing will get in the way vacation-wise.


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