(no subject)

Feb 18, 2004 22:00

It's funny, how one day can restore your faith in people. Leave you feeling generally okay. Maybe I'm not the best person, I'm certainly not perfect (like Amers, hah), but I'm not the worst either. Okay, so I can be a downright bitch sometimes, sue me. Sometimes it's so easy to see the bad over the good... sometimes you just have to look closer.

Car ride to school

The Cheeseburger Theory. You know how sometimes you get this real craving for a cheeseburger. So you go out to a fast-food place to get one. McDonald's or something. And the whole reason you're there is for this cheeseburger. But it comes with fries. And even though what you really want is the cheeseburger, you can't help eating the fries. You just eat one, and then one more, and then another... And if you don't like the cheeseburger, if it doesn't taste as good as you hoped, well then you just eat the fries. Yeah, you're pissed, but the fries are still good. But fact is, the cheeseburger is just not as good without the fries, right, Shannon? Mike Lane is my cheeseburger, I'm in love with that guy, but he doesn't really like me. But Jared is the fries. And I just couldn't help making out with him. -- I don't like cheeseburgers, Chelsea. -- Dammit... alright, Chinese then. The damn chicken isn't the same without the rice! -- Exactly.

AP U.S. History, 2nd Period

Shan: *puts up hand for a high five*
*try again*
*miss again*
*once more...*
*miss yet again*
Shan: Okay, Christen, I'm just going to leave my hand right here and let you hit it...

French II Honors, 3rd Period

Elyse: I'd rather go out with Chelsea than with Kris (Kristina).
*blank stares*
Ell: Well, I've already had to help staple her pants in the bathroom!
*everyone laughs*
Chels: Well, they ripped!!
Shan: Oh, come on, guys. EVERYONE knows about your private time in the bathroom stall. Everyone. What they don't know... is that you liked it!
Chels: We have it taped, you know. Look it up online.
Dan: *seriously* What's the address?

Biology AP, 4th Period

Mrs. Gardella: Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms. Why would someone want to do that... Shannon?
Shan: Because they're obsessive compulsive?
*everyone laughs*
Mrs. G: Well, that's probably part of it, but WHY do we have Taxonomy?
Shan: I really don't know. I don't know anyone in their right mind who would want to do something like that.

Trig, 5th Period

*Shan gets 105% on very difficult test*
Logan: You got a 105?!
Amy Jo: Of course she did, she knows everything.
*Vern and Erin get 105%*
Liz: I'm Vern. I'm a genius.
Amy Jo: I'm Amy Jo. I'm stupid.
Liz: I'm Liz. I wear pink.
Shan: We sound like we're at a freaking AA meeting. (Hello my name is Luna, and I am an alcoholic, plays through head).
*everyone laughs*
Diane: SHANNON! How would you know?
Vern: Oh come on. We all know she's only a genius when she's trashed.

Car ride home
Amy Jo: *screams*
Robyn: *screams*
Chels: *screams*
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