011 [Video/Action for Violet]

Mar 07, 2011 03:34

[One of Violet City's main attractions is the Gym, and that's where the feed turns on now. Lightning is standing on one end of the field with Falkner on the other, facing his Noctowl down with Odin the Rapidash. The camera is being held at such an angle that Serah, Hope, and Leon can be seen in the stands on either side, along with Strike sitting ( Read more... )

~leon, ~hope, sen the derp, !video, badge get!, !action, soldier girl, ~serah, always a fighter, !violet city, battles rage on

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[action] usedroar March 7 2011, 10:06:45 UTC
[ Making his way down the stands with Strike, a small smirk on his face. Well done, Light. ]


[action] soggypastry March 7 2011, 10:09:48 UTC
[Watch your feet, Leon. Sen's just gonna rush past the two of you and jump at Lightning as she makes her way back from Falkner with badge and TM in hand. Yes, she can catch him and still see that smirk on your face. Have one of her own in return.]



[action] usedroar March 7 2011, 10:14:51 UTC
That you won? No.

[ Though... ]

I did have my doubts when you released Fang.

[ He'll admit that much. ]


[action] soggypastry March 7 2011, 10:20:08 UTC
[She's silent while Sen clambers up to her shoulder to perch there, before she nods. Fang is a...really unknown variable.]

I can understand that. But give her a target and she doesn't see anything else until it's over. [Almost like Lightning herself, really.]


[action] usedroar March 7 2011, 10:41:26 UTC
[ A brief nod as he considers. ]

Still, that's no help if she won't obey. [ Because let's face it, that display wasn't particularly impressive--besides which, ignoring her trainer's strategies could land her in trouble, since Fang is obviously not the 'thinks well under pressure' type. ]


[action] soggypastry March 7 2011, 10:46:29 UTC
We're still working on that. [And, if the look on Light's face is anything to go by, it has not been working. She's stubborn as her namesake.]

She's better then when we started, anyway.


[action] usedroar March 7 2011, 11:01:08 UTC
I'm sure she is.

[ He's not saying that to humor her, either. He was there when she caught the darn thing, after all, he knows what a pain in the ass Fang can be. ]

Headed to the pokemon center?


[action] soggypastry March 7 2011, 11:14:25 UTC
[That's a nod.] Yeah. I need to make sure Odin's alright. [There is a reason she hates making Odin use Flare Blitz. Oh, and have a slightly confused look, Leon. Why ask?] Why do you ask?


[action] usedroar March 7 2011, 11:18:31 UTC
[ He just. Frowns back at her. Why ask why he asks? ] Isn't it...polite?

[ Besides--he's going with her. He leans down, plucking Strike from off the floor. ]


[action] soggypastry March 7 2011, 11:24:13 UTC
That depends on why you're asking. [Military girl. Lots of men. Still getting used to men not staring at her butt. Still, she waits until he's got Strike before heading for the doors, pulling her coat closed. Chilly walk to the Pokémon Center will be chilly.]


[action] usedroar March 7 2011, 11:29:25 UTC
[ Hey, now wait just a second-- ]

What are you implying?

[ With Strike in his arms, he's striding up to match her pace. ]


[action] soggypastry March 7 2011, 11:33:13 UTC
I'm saying that on Cocoon, men don't ask a woman where she's going unless they want something. Even if it's just to go with her. [Smirrrrk. You're the first she hasn't turned down, Leon.]


[action] usedroar March 7 2011, 11:50:18 UTC
[ gfhdjkhgj wait what ]

Oh, come on. I wouldn't--it's not like--

[ Not like that, sheesh. He falls into step next to her, suddenly clammed shut. ]


[action] soggypastry March 7 2011, 12:16:11 UTC
[That...didn't go quite as planned.] Hey. I know you're not like that.

[Just...shutting up now. Thank goodness for the Pokémon Center being right
there. Lightning ducks her head as she goes inside, turning Odin and Fang over to the nurse and then taking a seat. She'll be ruffling Sen's ears now.]


[action] usedroar March 7 2011, 12:55:31 UTC
[ Possibly an understatement.

Hello, pokemon center. He just lets Strike keep Sen company for a bit as he waits for Lightning to finish up. When she settles next to him on the bench he pauses, searching for something to say that isn't some butthurt variant of 'then why did you give me that crap in the first place?'

Yeah nope, he got nothin'. Commence awkward. ]


[action] soggypastry March 8 2011, 00:16:41 UTC
[Understatement of the year.

Awkwardness commencing! Sen does not like Awkwardness. He'll be looking between Light and Leon in confusion as she ruffles his ears, then over at Strike. Why are trainers being weird? It's making his fur itch.]

Leon, just....forget I said anything. I'm still not used to...[Making sense when speaking out of a military environment? Not completely messing up in nice conversations? Not making an ass out of herself with an actual friend? All of the above? Among other things, yeah.]

I'm still not used to a man asking me where I'm going when he doesn't want something from me. [And thunk goes her head against the wall. Yep. She's an idiot in social situations. Sen'll just be staring at you now, Leon.]


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