011 [Video/Action for Violet]

Mar 07, 2011 03:34

[One of Violet City's main attractions is the Gym, and that's where the feed turns on now. Lightning is standing on one end of the field with Falkner on the other, facing his Noctowl down with Odin the Rapidash. The camera is being held at such an angle that Serah, Hope, and Leon can be seen in the stands on either side, along with Strike sitting by Leon's side. So who's got the feed? Sen the Riolu, standing and holding the Pokégear as Falkner and Lightning begin the battle.]

Falkner's in for a surprise when he realizes just how high Odin is leveled, but Serah and Hope cheer for Lightning anyway as she has the Rapidash give chase to Falkner's Noctowl. It doesn't take long for Noctowl to fall to the ground in a smoking heap, which makes Falkner frown and recall the unconcious bird as Odin snorts and tosses his head in pride. Sen cheers and sends the feed wild, but stops jumping around as Strike growls at him. Honchgrow takes to the skies to replace Noctowl, and Odin gives chase again.

But things don't go quite as well this time, and Odin is soon out of breath from using so many Fire Blasts. Seeing a moment of weakness in his opponent, Falkner orders Honchkrow to use Wing Attack at close range. As the bird gets his flight path in order, Lightning has Odin use Flare Blitz and he becomes something that looks like a comet. Honchkrow is coming in too fast to pull up and takes the full blast head on, but it wasn't without a cost. Odin seems to be swaying on his hooves as Falkner recalls Honchkrow, and Lightning calls him back. Understandably, Sen's cheering is a bit subdued now, and the feed holds still.

Now it's Fang the Haunter against Falkner's Pidgeot, and despite knowing how this is going to go, Serah and Hope still cheer loudly as Leon nods. Lightning has this match in the bag. Fang, on the other hand...is having a tiny bit of trouble. She isn't that fast, and Pidgeot is flying circles around the Haunter. Before Lightning can even order Fang to use a move, she seems to get exceedingly angry and takes off after the Pidgeot. The bird comes to a halt in midair, dropping a few feet and losing a few feathers at the look on Fang's face, and turns tail to fly before Falkner can order it to calm down.

This turns into a chase, Lightning unable to get Fang to listen to her but not losing the battle, and Falkner trying to get his bird to get a hit in. But Fang is having none of that, and when Pidgeot turns around to attack her, the ghost slams a Sucker Punch into it's beak. Sen cheers and jumps again, prompting the feed to go wild just as Fang curls into herself, then seems to send an explosion of dark energy around the arena. Pidgeot folds in on itself and falls, and Falkner recalls it just before it hits the ground.  This, as you can imagine, has Serah and Hope cheering quite loudly and Sen jumping enough to be compared to a bouncy ball. Hope no one gets motion sick easily, because no one is going to grab at the Riolu to make him settle and he's not listening to his hatch-mate.

The feed continues to veer all over the place as Fang twirls and flips in the air, prompting Strike to growl and yip at Sen in another attempt to calm him down. It doesn't work this time either, and the feed gets turned off as Lightning walks forward to claim her badge from Falkner.]

[ooc: Mod Permission for the badge is Get! Hope, Serah, and Leon used with permission as well~ ♥♥♥]

~leon, ~hope, sen the derp, !video, badge get!, !action, soldier girl, ~serah, always a fighter, !violet city, battles rage on

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