weird dream

Jun 06, 2009 06:34

Just woke up. I had a fairly vivid dream involving a bunch of people I know from high school and grade school. In the dream we were all on some sort of field trip. It was breakfast, and we were dividing ourselves into cliques based on which national park we wanted to visit. I remember first going around to the different groups and asking them where they wanted to go. After asking one of the groups (which contained some people I recall not liking very much), I did not bother to wait for a reply and instead said something like "why the fuck am I asking you? I don't care where you guys want to go..."

Then I got to the group that had my best friend from grade school in it, a guy named Patrick Hildebrandt. I mentioned that I wanted to go to Zion. His reply was: "Zion? Zion sucks." So I asked where he wanted to go. He mentioned a park I had never heard of, and I asked where it was located. We pulled out a map and he pointed to New Jersey. For some reason, this did not sound implausible in the least (both that we could choose either Zion or someplace in NJ for our day trip, or that someone would like anything in NJ). Patrick proceeeded to tell me that he had been to all of the other places I might think about going, and that really this crazy-ass park in NJ was the best. I had deceided that he was probably right and then woke up.

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