Someday I'll update my journal when I have time to write an adequate amount... instead of writing on my lunch break.
Amy and worked on our costumes last night. My surcoat is looking pretty spiffy. It needs some serious tailoring though. I want it to look fitted and I"m trying to figure out how I'm going to alter it while it's on me. Perhaps I can get Nancy and Amy to help me out. I'm thinking that I might spend a little time at Kzoo this weekend. Harper can always use more gold and maybe I'll be able to get some money if there are undead... but I'll never get paid for healing and I haven't got Larinthian's bow with me.
I've decided that it is really odd when you look at pictures of people you used to be friends with and see how much they've changed. I saw pictures on Jimmy Poon's website... or someone's... anyway it was on Poon's IM name. Ben was there. I'll be damned if I can remember Ben's last name... but I remember they misprinted his id... Bejamin instead of Benjamin. I always thought that was funny. He lost a ton of weight since I saw him oh, about four tears ago and he looks good. I haven't seen Kimmy in years either, but she looks good too. Being so far away makes me feel like a stranger looking at pictures of people I don't know. It's a very odd feeling. I wonder what it will be like when I go home for a while.
I need to put up a new icon for LJ... I don't have that many piercings anymore... sigh...
I need to apply to EMU or U of M. I hate not being in school. After Christmas. I can apply for next fall... teaching assistantships and all that. So much to do. Seemingly so little time.
I bought my mother a necklace, and my father a tie. It's nice to have a credit card, I've decided. Even if it is just for one store. I never really got to buy people anything before... now I get to send my mom stuff. I know that I probably still shouldn't ... but I like to give things to people.
I've got a ton of costumes to make again too.. though I'm having issues finding the fabric for one of them. I'm thinking that John might just end up with applique skulls on his pants. Unless the JOann's I go to tonight has skull fabric. I found dancing skeletons... that might be funny.. but not what he wanted. When I finish Rob's pants I'll try to have Amy put a picture of them up on her photobucket site. (btw... if you want to see some fun pics go to and look at the weekend of comedy link) Amy and I should make a section for costuming we make. Her's is totally awesome too. Furs, suede, skins... it looks awesome. Anywho, if I don't stop typing now, I'm going to be late back to work.