lingering insanity

Dec 01, 2013 01:56

I don't think anyone would really understand my pain right now.

vixx really have stolen my heart and the thing is, I don't want them to return it.
these past few months have been nothing but VIXX to me and it's only now that I've realised how much that really means.

exo are coming back with a christmas album but for once, I'm only half-caring. last year had this same thing happened I would not stop spazzing over it on twitter and would like and reblog every single edit of exo's teasers on tumblr. but now it's just a shrug. I dunno how upsetting this might seem to exo-fans but that's just it. I'm happy exo are bringing out this christmas album but that's just how far it goes.

I know myself to have these ~phases~ where I move from one boyband to another, constantly expressing my love and support for them before that either dies down or I find another obsession to spazz over. I feel very guilty each time I do this and it's only worst now that it's between exo and vixx.

why not support them both? you might question me. well I would, if I could. when I have a strong passion for something I must go at it 100% no half cheers or maybes it always yES YES YES! and right now that passion of mine is with vixx, and I can't divide my attention it's not right nor is it possible to do.

I still love exo, I have loved them for almost 2 years but when vixx came into my line of vision with 대.다.나.다.너 I haven't stopped loving them since. people may have noticed this ~phase~ take it's place when my exo dps changed to hyuk and my entire self screamed out vixx and hAN SANGHYUK and starlight.

which brings me to another thing, starlights. I absolutely loveeeeeeee them. as an exo fan I did meet some exo-fans and chatted but those relationships didn't last long. but with starlights, I feel like I've found my home. they are friendly, welcoming, amazing, beautiful, talented, supportive, diligent, geniuses, and just perfect. I honestly stan them as well they are that wonderful to talk to. I met so many amazing starlights and I feel so welcomed. again, I don't mean to offend any exo-fans but that's just how I feel. starlights are a beautiful fandom and I don't want to leave.

when I began to pay more attention to vixx late july I knew a ~phase~ was beginning. I didn't know now things would turn out. but I knew vixx couldn't be avoided any longer. again I say I regret it sfm that I missed that time of not focusing on vixx in the beginning of the year and before. though I know my love for vixx is not built on guilt but with passion. I love them. I want the very best for them. I want to do everything I can for them so they can achieve their dreams. I want them to win. (and I dislike it a lot when people think overwise)

I do like many groups in general but there's only a handful that I absolutely adore and love and treasure, and there's always only one group that will be constantly on my mind, be my every whisper and hold my heart-and that is vixx.

and the worst thing is, I thought exo were ~the one~ that one group that I will stan stronghold with everything I am. idk how you people would interpret this as, trivial or scandalous but it really pains me that I can't love them both with the same passion.

I can only sigh now, it was almost 2am and I was supposed to sleep hours ago but I just can't stop thinking about this (so if there are grammar or spelling mistakes, sorry).

I am going insane, and k-pop is to blame.

vixx, exo, fangirl rant, sorry for pouring out my mind&soul, i'm going insane

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