Just a quickie before painting!

Mar 14, 2007 22:04

It's been a little bit since I've updated, so here's a quickie!

Work has been fantastic lately. We got an awesome new manager. Matt is 73h (00ln355!
He actually makes work bearable around there. It's like we're actually starting to get organized and junk. Yay for the Goodwill! Also, Mitch is back! I was so happy about that. He's such a sweetheart. I'm glad Nikki decided to give him another chance. Hopefully he won't blow it this time. And Lamont is turning into my number 1 backdoor guy. He pretty much closes with me just about every night. That kid is a trip. Raul decided to stay too! That just makes it all worth staying at the Goodwill. He makes me happy.

Things at home have been aight. For some reason, I've been having breakdowns a lot more than I should. Depression has hit hard, and I'm really not sure as to why. Jeremy makes me happy. I don't have a horrible life. Work has been alright. I mean, what else could it be? Jeremy thinks I need to go see a doctor. Maybe I will if I pick up insurance.

That attic is coming a long nicely. I'm excited about it. I'm actually going to go up there and help Jeremy paint after I'm done updating and change my clothes. The colors are really cool, and we got a kickass new chair to go up there!

My back piece is coming along nicely. I'm so thankful to have a great artist. I've seen bad tattoos, and I would never wish them upon anybody. Especially not myself! Pics will come soon.

I'm guessing that's really about all I have to say for now. Jeremy and I are going on a year. That's exciting. Yay for us. Ummm.....Going to Michigan in May.....umm...yeah that's about it.

Keep it real peeps. Peace love and hair grease!
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