Jun 03, 2011 02:26
My god, I do love Top Gear.
And if I had the money, I would so buy an Ariel Atom. I've said that before, but it bears reiterating.
...so you know when you're reading something and it just...sort of spirals? Spins off in a direction that gets more and more...strange with each passing paragraph. Convoluted. Dark. Sort of ...twisted? And then it's like, 'how the fuck did this happen...wait, what? What?' and a sense that you didn't really sign up for that.
That's what I get for not reading warnings. I mean, backbuttons are great things. I just wasn't expecting this to be so ...serious. And like, fill-in-the-blank dark. All the words with little of the impact.
It honestly is sort of laugh out loud funny. In a very odd way. Like a very very slow non-fatal trainwreck. Or re-reading poetryfics from junior high.Transfixed, a bit horried, a bit amused and so very, very befuddled.
ETA: omg, it keeps getting better. Tormented serial killers. I just...can't. Seriously. The whole fandom is like, fluff squared, with a few were-cars thrown in and the occasional archeologist!au. This is so far left-field from what I thought was going to happen (because, like every fandom, there are zombie!apocalypse!stories, which are quite well done and that's what I thought I was getting into, but no).
Goddammit, Supernatural, you've ruined my ability to take over-the-top angst seriously.
And yet, I'm still transfixed. Oddly...compelled. *throws up hands and keeps reading*
...and i must laugh,
fanfic's just a little bit twisted,
top gear