Huge Meme from Huntress69

Jun 13, 2008 02:24

I got this meme from
huntress69.  It is large and wordy so it is completely under the cut, but the general idea was this she picked seven interests from my profile and then I had to write some type of explanation as to my interests in them.

These are the ones she chose for me:

Karl Urban
Top Dean

Comment on this post and IF you want, and DON'T object, I will choose seven interests from your profile and ask you to explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.

Dexter-One of the best shows on television and one of the most complex characters. Dexter could be considered broken, but lives by a moral code that was instilled in him by his step-father that it is okay to kill if you kill people who deserve it. People that you know for a fact have gotten away with murder or worse. His step-father realized his propensity for wanting to hurt and kill things so he used his background as a policeman to teach Dexter how to kill and get away with it. So Dexter is a serial killer of serial killers and works as a blood spatter expert for the Miami PD and is sister Deborah is a homicide detective. I love watching Michael C. Hall’s characterization of Dexter, and my favorite outfit that he wears are his “killing clothes”.

Karl Urban-This is how I found Live Journal and fanfiction and slash to begin with. Before I went into the hospital last year, for some reason I had bought or rented 3 or 4 movies that Karl was in to watch while I recuperated because I couldn’t leave the house for 10 days. When I went through them a few times each, I realized, hey, I have all of the extended versions of the Lord of the Rings. Watched them and all of the special features. I was perving on Karl pretty bad and was sitting on my deck with my laptop searchng the Google Images of Karl when I noticed that lots of the pictures were all located at places that had livejournal in the names. I followed several links and then holy shit, I found slash fic and I never looked back. Most of the slash fic I read at the beginning was all in the LOTR fandom, and a lot of it featured Karl. One of the first writers that I ever read was 
legomyarrowher fics, The Archer, Caught Running, and Under Construction to name a few. I was amazed at how exceptional her writing was and as our libraries had closed earlier in the year started doing most of my reading on line.

Kane-I am so not into country music, but this is the deal. After reading in the LOTR fandom for a while I expanded to BtVS and AtS and especially any fic that had Spike in it. I read several long fics by 
ash_carpenterthat had Lindsey in them with Spike and Angel. She also wrote something that was Lindsey/Spike where Lindsey is a musician very much like Chris Kane and they were very hot. I think that fic had the nastiest blow job in it that I have ever read, if you are into that sort of thing.   I actually am probably in the minority but I like his hair short like it was on Angel much better than musician dude hair, but damn, Chris is hot regardless. I haven’t listened to a ton of his music, but what I have listened to I enjoyed, very much. Now that I read in the SPN fandom, when I do read RPS since Chris is friends with Jensen and Jared, Chris along with Steve Carlson are often featured in the SPN RPS fics. No complaints there, at all.

EDIT: danaid_luv said where is the link to that of which you speak.  So I did send her a comment with it but figured I'd edit the post to include the link here, in case anyone on my flist is actually interested in that type of thing.  :)

Okay, okay, here is the list to the whole 'Truck Verse'

The blowjob of which I spoke is in the second part of the verse called Leather and Gasoline. But, if it were me, I'd read them all.

Jensen/Jared-Are the two actors who bring the show SPN to life. They are amazing together and I enjoy their closeness and camaraderie. I can’t imagine SPN with any body other than these two. I love to see pictures of them together when they are at public events, Jared always hanging all over Jensen and Jensen being super indulgent. They seem so close in real life and it transcends to their work. I love how much they touch each other and aren’t afraid to show affection. I like how Jared is always concerned with helping Jensen seem more comfortable in front of a crowd. I like how Jensen is a little more reserved than Jared but that they both seem very intelligent, very professional, very friendly, introspective, talented, loyal, and sincerely nice guys. I just can’t think of a bad thing to say about either one of them. No scandals, not photographed in compromising positions, just regular dudes. And I love that Jared has two rescue dogs, Sadie and Harley and has done ads for PETA.

Top Dean-I don’t even know where to start here. I have read a lot of fics that feature in!charge!sam and dirty!talking!sam and I totally get that, I really do. But, and that is a big but, Top!Dean rocks my world. Are you friggin’ kidding me? Thinking of him being all in charge and how he would act or the things he would say or how he would say them in any sexual situation just makes me melt. Especially his authoritative voice that he whips out every once in a while on the show. Holy shit! You know the one. No one in their right mind would even consider arguing with that man when he uses that voice. I can truly say if Dean Winchester used that voice on me that I would be absolute putty in his hands and would do anything he demanded of me, gladly. I love reading Top!Dean fics. And, guess what, there isn’t even a Top!Dean comm. How can that be? Seriously folks, bottom!dean, hurt!dean, top!sam, etc but WTF???? Where is the Top!Dean comm? Because if there ever needed to be a comm, that is it. And, can I be the only one who thinks this??? Seriously, there has to be a few kindred spirits out there.

Torchwood-I like watching programming on BBCAmerica. Torchwood is a show that I hadn’t watched much of until, James Marsters showed up to do a guest appearance on a few episodes as Capt. John and he was swapping spit with Jack after they gave each other a good smack down. Holy crap, how good was that. Then when James’ episodes were over, I lost interest.

Vegetables-I am a vegetarian and for the most part haven’t met a vegetable that I don’t like. I try to have as many fresh vegetables available in the house to cook fresh food for dinner nightly that has lots of flavor when added to the right cheeses and olive oils and pasta or rice. Vegetables are so good for you. I just can’t even describe how ‘clean’ it feels to eat a diet that does not require the taking of animal life in any form. I do, however eat dairy products and my reasoning is they did not have to kill the cow or the goat to get the milk. I am not much for eggs, but will eat them in a baked good but never just eggs, and I look at ingredients and don’t eat mayo, or ice cream with eggs, no custards, etc. But tons and tons of veggies. Love ‘em. Can’t get enough vegetables.  Mmmm good.


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