I got a little nudge from
schnute23 earlier today, so I will make a post so that she and anyone else knows I didn't completely fall off of the face of the earth.
One nice thing is that where I live the weather has cooled off some for the last few days. I don't have air conditioning in my house and when the temperature is in the mid 90's or higher it is almost unbearable. Even though we live in the woods and have lots of shade when it gets that hot it doesn't give much relief even after the sun goes down.
I just got back from a short walk down our driveway and ate the first two blackberries of the summer right off of the vine. They were wonderful and the taste just exploded in my mouth. I only took two even though there were plenty more. Because of my blood sugar issues I am not supposed to eat fruit. When I cheat, it is usually just a very small bite or two and then call it good.
Other positive news, I had been having a horrible time with my cholesterol, blood sugar, and a few other health issues. I have worked with a health coach, a registered dietician and my doctor and we have come up with a very restricted diet but one that in a 7 week period got my total cholesterol down fro 215 to 161, without medication. My doctor was so impressed, he said that he had never seen anyone cut their bad cholesterol in half while improving their good cholesterol in 7 weeks with only diet and exercise.
While this has all been going on, I have actually been able to drop about 23 pounds by eating super healthy and super clean.
Thursday I had a meeting with my boss and she is impressed with my performance and says that I have been doing an excellent job of making myself into a SME. I didn't know what a SME was. She called it a Subject Matter Expert. So, I have that going for me.
On the flip side I have some things spinning out of control right now too. I posted a couple of weeks ago about my sister not doing very well and me being stressed about the mental health issues in my family. Since that post, she was taken to an institution and formally diagnosed with schizophrenia and I live every minute of every day in fear that I am going to end up the same.
I had a nightmare the other night, and that is such a rare event that it really shook me. I ended up with the light and the TV on from 3am to 4am because I was afraid to go back to sleep.
I am trying to get myself in a healthy headspace and it is a real struggle every day. I won't give up though. I know that there are a lot of people that have it way worse than I do. So, I will just take one minute, one hour, and one day at a time...
EDIT - The 23 pounds didn't happen in 7 weeks. That happened from Feb through July. So close to 6 months just pecking away at it little by little.