Jan 26, 2005 20:46
I realized tonight, that all this complaining I've done about my friends not caring, about them not noticing things about me, is all terribly hyppocritical.
I know nothing about any of them. I somehow missed all the important conversations or forgot. I forgot that one guys' parents were divorced, and didn't even know that another's mom was in alaska on a business trip. I wasn't there for much of one of my best girl friend's relationship with a guy despite the fact that I kinda brought them together. I missed all the signs that it was ending, and probably wouldn't have known had I not accidentally run into her as she was on her way out to break up with him.
I am one of those shallow people who has tons of friends, says hi to a million people on a walk somewhere, but knows little to nothing about them. I could chalk it up to a bad memory but really, its just that I'm a bad friend.
I'm never around because, in effect, I chose not to be. I choose to spend time at the other dorm. I'm choosing to move back there. I'm choosing to lose all the people I should be close to.
When did this all happen? When did I stop paying attention to those who are most important to me? When did I become just a roommate and no longer a friend?