The red-hood.

May 01, 2007 09:31

Not much happening as of lately, did some leveling on WHM (15 to go wohoo! >_>), Dynamis-Bastok and that pretty much sumarises everything since last Update.

Aside from the things below we did some Sky, rocking MANY more trigs, and doing an MG with 5 at start, ending with 8 with an LS of 16+ staring at us, thinking we'd wipe. Fuck no, we're Synergy^^

That's all for now, more to come! (Yay, I learned to use LJ-cuts -_-)


We had so much fun in this one!

First off we needed some warm-up but then we just raped everything, and I myself just died once (and it was in the last 3 minutes or so).

Congratulations for clearance to Viserys and Gekco! (Not sure if now they have Beaucedine Access, but if not, pretty close to it!)
Other congratulations are in order to:

Gomerking on being the LS Dynamis-trashcan and getting Wyrm Brais!
Terrasama  on the oh-so-godly Sorcerer's tonbans! (I hate you! ; ;)
Arnaud on Valor coronet!
Hollyjade on a new toy for his THF Lv56, Assassin's vest!
and last but not least, dearest congrats to Lionessa  on Summoner's bracers! Better not miss those BPs now! =.=

·White mage

From last entry, which I think I was low-50's, I've had some decent good PTs (some rocking 13k/hr -with double empress band, of course- and the worst being 6k/hr) that allowed me to level fast without going insane.

Remember that I was saying that I was saving materials for Dalmatica? Well I was really low on money, so I decided to say fuck it and sell a Siren Hair for 300k ^^ woot, made 100k profit overtime (probably more, since stuff has gone down in price, except the Siren Hair). With that ammount I decided it was time to forget about lolElectrum rings and Healer's duckbills and spent it on Ether ring (not much more of an improvement) and Cure Clogs, which I'll carry around me till 75 (and even then, I'll still use them -combined with Blessed pumps in some occassions-)

Here's how I look right now

That set give me a total of:
  • Auto-refresh
  • -15% Cure spellcasting time
  • 59+13 MND (Cure V at level 61)
  • 643 HP & 835 MP (BLM sub because I suck at leveling SMN quick)
  • -17 Enmity (Counting merits) which isn't bad at all, compared to how higher it'll get at the 68-70's range
  • +10% Cure potency

Right now I'm looking forward gil I'll need (which I'll spend of KS99, prolly next weekend) which will go to WHM-fund:
  • Errant Cape. Top priority, this is such a nice cape... wanted it for so long. I'll end up with either Intensifying cape, Sapient Cape or Miraculous Cape... :(
  • Hedgehog Bomb. I'd like to do some spammage on "Brother's" ENM, since many people in the LS need (I'd specially like Lion to have it, now that she's pimped her SMN a bit -Penance hat, Summoner's bracers, to name a few-)
  • Blessed mitts & trousers. Both hovering around the 200k/each mark. Should probably be the first thing I buy once I get some gil -8Enmity together is a nice boost, not to mention MND for Cure V and some godly Haste.
  • Magnetic/Loquacious or double Heavens ring, since Heavens ring +1 are so rare and are so expensive!
  • Noble's tunic. I'd LOVE to have Aristocrat's coat.. but it can't be... there was one for 4M the other day in a Bazaar ;_; made me a sad panda. I really don't know if I should save this on my own, or wait for LS to do Kirin, I don't want to be greedy, and I'm sure the Bank could use the money of the Cloth but at the same time, if I want to buy all of the things ahead ~_~

whm, goals, ffxi, dynamis

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