Soooo not much going on, this is a quick update, since soon I won't have much time to play (uh oh exams coming up!) which really sucks, because I'm having a lot of fun lately (not that I ever stopped having it).
We've been rocking trigs, from both sea and sky (we'll probably won't ever have to be back to first-stage trigs in sea, now that Virtues are 100% drop and we're saving, literally, a ton of them) :P I've also been toying around PhotoshopCS2.. I'm still an amateur about it ;_;
What else? oh I've been leveling, not much because I don't get yet as many invites as I'd like to. Stopped RDM (60, see below) because we don't actually need more RDMs in the LS, and we need more WHMs (see below as well-yay more AF to do! >_< -) so I'm doing WHM, which was my 2nd love after BLM (not anymore, but still, I like playing it more than RDM ^^)
Gotta love the pimp hat, and the tabard, which actually doesn't make me look as chubby as I am..
Will look like this till 56 (pantaloons) then at 59 I'll see if I can borrow Giz' VermiCloak. Yap, lolElectrum ring.
Rocking -28 Enmity in xp PTs, without neglecting MP is really good^^ also a bit of MND, even though it doesn't affect much all the cures as it does to Cure V.
- Btw, if you're a RDM, a COR or a BRD, please give refresh/evoker's(or healer's for that matter) roll or ballad, kay? Had horribles PTs thanks to retard RDMs who think they're BLMs and forget dispel, refresh, haste etc.
Changed my Meriting progress a bit, to fit my leveling jobs. Was tempted to get INT Lv.2 but instead, I picked MP upgrade, which I am on my 3rd one.
Went with Das, Alvon and Lion to Diorama.. was hella fun ^^ I got my ass-kicked too (I got to kill twice Alvon and Lion, didn't get to fight Das since I had to do yard work -_- )
Oh and Dasna and I were the Wyverns team, I wonder why?
We did (AND CLEARED!) Windy with only 18 (we logged Ara later, to get the "???" so that a good chunk of the LS has Beaucedine access. Not really awesome pics, but they get the job done.
First time I actually see these drop o_O (this was like my 3rd Windy?)
Anyway big congrats to:
Gomerking on Scout's bracers and Sorcerer's gloves
Camtheman on Valor leggins (oddly enough, they're feet-equip)
Goone on Assassin's bonnet
Gekco on Abyss Gauntlets
!!! and an L.Jadeshell and clearance!!
Oh and Ara, this is what you get for not being here:
He always complains he doesn't appear enough in my LJ~
With a humping-taru I'm saying goodbye for now, hope to update soon as I can!