I'm using styrofoam balls, and green (the plant styrofoam) to make the arm bangles. First I cut where I wanted the bangle opening to be. Then i sat there with an exacto blade, and scored the styrofoam ring, cut, and ended up with two pieces like what's below.
Then I scored the sides of two styrofoam balls, and cut into then where I wanted my resin gems to lay. I cut them into this rounded square shape. I cut the styrofoam pieces to fit together like a puzzle, and used some hot glue to secure them
Next, I primed it witha few thick coats of gesso. It's since been spray painted gold, but I still have yet to add the gems. I debuted the costume without the bangles, since they weren't done. I didn't get the gesso down too smooth, so I'll be re painting them and trying a few things. Bondo could possibly get it super smooth, but before I try that, I'm going to use BILLIE MAYES SUPER PUTTY (you think I'm kidding) to get a smooth(er) finish. We'll see how that goes..
Now for the belt. No blue sprite belt.. just the belt in the offcial art. SculpeyII resin gem gold spray paint = awesome. I might got back and smooth it out a little later. I'll show you how I did the gem when I finish the bangles.. Very simple. I used skulpeyII, a resin gem backed with foil, and gold paint.