Fall 2016 Update: Submissions, Projects and Conventions

Sep 09, 2016 09:42

It’s been a while since an update, so there is much to talk about. We’ll keep things short and efficient!
Heat Submissions: Deadline September 19

Yes, only a week and a half to go until we close our annual call for submissions to Heat. But that includes two full weekends, so you still have time! Submissions are open for short stories, comics and poetry.
Novel Submissions: Open through November 15

We’re looking for fresh novel submissions again! The submissions are currently open in the system, though we won't be officially starting to review them until the 15th. (We can't make the category visible ahead of time to allow you to review the submission details, so we decided to just open it early.) Novel submissions will remain open for two months, until November 15.

We’ve made some changes to the submission process. On the submitters’ end, we are asking for sample chapters (the first 2-4 chapters of the novel) in addition to a synopsis. Behind the scenes we have also made some changes to our review process that will hopefully get responses out to submissions much sooner than we have in the past.

We are have a busy fall schedule ahead of us!
  • Furry Migration Sept. 9-11
    Today we’re heading across town to our local con, where we’ll be selling books in the dealer’s room and hosting some panels. Please stop by!
  • Arizona Fur Con Sept. 30-Oct. 2
    We are Guests of Honor at our first appearance at Arizona Fur Con! We’re really excited to see some new country and check out this convention for the first time. Keep an eye on our Twitter account for updates on panels as they are decided.
  • Gaylaxicon Oct. 7-9
    As soon as we get back from Arizona we’ll be preparing for Gaylaxicon to return to Minneapolis. We’ll have a table in the dealer’s room and look forward to reconnecting with folks we haven’t seen since the last time the con was in town.
  • Midwest Fur Fest December 1-4
    We’ll be back at MFF this December, in the dealer’s room and hosting panels. We may have a new title or two to release at this convention. Stay tuned!

Franko Kickstarter

Rewards for the Franko Kickstarter are now shipping! Nearly all the domestic (USA) orders are en route, and many of the international orders are out. The remaining international orders are the larger orders with more complex customs information to fill out. We tried to get them all done before Furry Migration, but unfortunately the remainder will have to wait until next week to finish processing.
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