Summer 2016 New Releases and Updates

Jun 27, 2016 08:47

We may have been quiet, but we’ve not been idle! Just in time for Anthrocon 2016 we are excited to announce two new titles: Franko, Fables of the Last Earth and Heat #13.

Franko is a collection of comics about a young lion named Franko and his friend Shin living on what is today the Atacama Desert of Chile, only a thousand years in our future, when humans have disappeared, taking much of their technology with them. Written by Ángel Bernier and illustrated by Cristóbal Jofré, the collection was originally published in its native Spanish in Chile. We ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund the printing of our own English translation of the book.

The book comes in softcover ($19.95) and hardcover ($39.95) editions, It will be released at Anthrocon, where Cristóbal Jofré will be present for signings! It will be available for purchase on our website July 5.

Heat #13, despite being such a lucky and auspicious number, came through at the last minute to continue our (mostly) unbroken tradition of an annual Anthrocon release. Dark End and Black Teagan once again did their magic with words and art to compile a diverse and striking collection of stories, comics and poetry dedicated to exploring stories of love and lust. Please see the product page for full details on what’s inside.

Heat is for adults only! It too will be released at Anthrocon and then will be made available on our website ($14.95).

General Updates
2016 has been a busy, hectic time for us, both in Sofawolf and the rest of our lives. In fact, the last full year has been quite full of ups and downs. In June 2015 our husky Wizard lost his battle with cancer. In the year since, we got married, got Zeena, spent the next several months adapting to life with a husky puppy in the house, adapted to significant changes in our day jobs, replaced all the windows in our house (in the middle of a Minnesota blizzard!), replaced our basement stairs when they collapsed, moved the entire Sofawolf warehouse when our previous landlord decided not to renew our lease (they wanted to use the space we were in), ran another Kickstarter campaign, and most recently helped coordinate a non-furry convention. We are rather exhausted and in some strange ways looking forward to two days of nothing but driving to Pittsburgh for Anthrocon.

This summer will be a time to regroup and revisit some oft-delayed projects like our aging website and digital publication. We’ll try not to be such strangers, but we also are smart enough to not make any promises!
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