oh i loved this chapter! glad that he finally got one up on dafydd, and you got to use of my favorite ianto lines ever (even if it did come from the series that never was). also, the mindscape sex, guh!!! so yeah on the whole, a very awesome chapter!
Are you talking about the "He is very handsome" bit? Because if so, I loved the way GDL delivered that line in CoE, too! =D I just wish the rest of that scene (and series) had been better handled...
that was the line i was referring to. i have yet to actually see Day 5, so i my head Ianto's really not dead, he just hasn't been brought back yet! the actually of this happening is slim to none but that's what fanfic is for! but yeah GDL did an awesome job in that scene (and in the whole series!).
Thanks! Ianto's family will show up once more, in the next part. Jack will meet them, but there won't be any confrontations per se, just some awkward questioning during dinner. =D
MInd sex is just as hot as real sex; actually, with Ianto and Jack, any kind of sex is hot. The family dynamic was very much emphasized here: Ianto's real family and his Torchwood family. Will he have a chance to confront Dafydd eventually as I am certain that Ianto can lay that particular ghost to rest by standing up to his brother? But, it is nice to know that Jack has his back (I could insert the obvious inuendo here, but I will take the high road). I loved the care and attention Jack gives Ianto in the mindscape. The fact that Ianto's defenses kicked in before the Weevil consciousness could take over proves how strong his bond is with Jack. I don't want this story to end, but I am looking forward to the next chapter.
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*waits patiently for next installment*
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