i make icons sometimes and such and here are some old ones

Jul 12, 2012 04:48

So here's this icon meme. I forgot about it oops. avferreira picked five icons for me to talk about. If you want me to pick some for you, just say so in a comment. :) And can I just say that you picked my fave icons out of each fandom?? Sweetness.

Also, I think spoilers for The Avengers down there? Probably. So yeah. Spoilers, a bit. Though if you haven't seen its perfection yet you deserve to be spoiled. I mean what? ;)

Reid duh. He's awesome. Best character on Criminal Minds, let's be real. :D I think the text is from a Fall Out Boy song? I'm pretty sure. I made this one a while ago, back before I had Photoshop, and I still just love it, everything about it is perfect. <3 The text fits him and the episode and he's flawless so everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.

OTP. ALWAYS. Yes. It's The Hulk and Iron Man from the Avengers movie. The interactions between Bruce (Hulk) and Tony (Iron Man) are my absolute favorite thing in that movie. I mean the whole thing kicked ass, but that part... alkjdfajsk. I'm still flaily about it. Also, this scene in light of their conversation on the Helicarrier? alkdfjakdjlakjdskfja.
"So you're saying the Hu- The Other Guy, he saved me? That's nice. For what?"
"I guess we'll find out."
"You might not enjoy that."
"And you just might."

Yay my favorite stock icon of mine. :D Also another pre-Photoshop icon. The text are lyrics from Ben Folds' song Still Fighting It. I love this song for forever. "Everybody knows it hurts to grow up, and everybody does. It's so weird to be back here. Let me tell you what, the years go on and we're still fighting it. We're still fighting it." I love all Ben Folds music though. :D Also, back when I was still super into Queer as Folk, I always thought it'd be a great song about Brian becoming a father. Oops my life. Just listen it. If you're a fan of the show you'll see it. Anyway, this icon. I just really love the colors. And the text just fit it. Like 90% of my text icons end up that way because I'm listening to music while I'm making them and I hear a particular part of a song and I'm like 'yes good, this works for me.' Good work ethic, yes.

Yay Star Trek. Yay Kirk/McCoy. Another one of mine, since 95% of the icons I use are made by me. I know what I like. I think the text is actually from a Lady Gaga song, oops my life again. See above. lol. It just fit that scene so much, I had to use it when I heard it. But Kirk/McCoy is so totally my Star Trek OTP. They have soooo much chemistry in that movie. I love me a good bromance, so I'm here for that.

Lord of the Rings! Aragorn! My bb! I always go back to LotR. Some other books/movies/tv shows/etc. that I get into, I get bored after a while and kinda drop out of, but never with LotR. It helps that The Hobbit movie is coming out in December, but even so, these books are spectacular and the movies are true cinema masterpieces. This icon is another pre-Photoshop icon, and I remember it being a bitch to make, seeing as my old program didn't have a good blur option. (Instead of being able to use a brush for precision like with PS, I had to outline everything I wanted blurred and hope I got it all. I didn't, the first few times.) But in the end, I really love how this one turned out. Like I said, it's an old one, but it's one I won't ever delete. I really love the coloring effect that happened by blurring out the background, and of course the emphasis on Aragorn and it being the return of the king etc. See what I did there? Eh? ;) But I love his speech in this scene. "But it is not this day! This day, we fight!" Hell yes, Aragorn. You make me wanna pick up a sword and shield and run out there with you, bb.

Okay, now that I've proven that my ability to blather on and on still exists (as if there was ever any doubt?) I bid you all adieu. Parting is such sweet sorrow etc.

all the feels, lotr, icons, avengers, otp, meme, icon meme, criminal minds, star trek

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