May 24, 2006 10:31
I don't post here much. pretty busy nowadays.
I run a small game club monday nights at my place, tues-friday is random whatever days, saturday i run a molten core group on WoW, sunday is relaxation day.
Kinda behind in my homework again this quarter, but due to the way these particular classes work it's alright. Really enjoying the higher level calculus stuff and messing around with vectors, also really getting more into computer programming.
Come this fall i'll be transferring to CWU to kick it with leif and stocky and peeps and I'll be focusing on getting my BS in computer science there, not sure what I want to minor in. I'm actually more excited about CWU than I thought I would be because I found out that they have an AI research program, and when it comes to games really good AI is crucial to great game mechanics. so i'm most likly going to make my primary focus of study AI.
In other news my sister is home from college for the summer. It's really great to have her back, but alas my mother is all hellfire and brimstone about things. My mom really has issues with my sister, and moreso since she has a boyfriend from out of state. grah, any of you who know of or have heard of my mom know enough that I don't need to say more than she's exploding multiple times a day on the both of us. Me and my sister plan on officially moving out for good this next coming year. I'm going to try and find a way to stay at central until i'm finished with my BS, and she's looking into the same thing with her schooling.
Sigh. Life is good, wish I saw more people, wish I was not around this area for much longer... but that will change in due time. many good things coming soon, many many indeed.
oh yes, i'm curious, who all still checks these LJ friends pages :o
if you read this or just scanned it (i don't really care lol) just post a response. like, 'MOO' or somthing. just wondering how many of you are still lurkin ;P