Bits and pieces.

Nov 05, 2015 08:13

Government is NOT business. One cannot run the government like a business because the goals are supposed to be different. Biz is about making money. While government needs that , it First needs to be about the people that it presides over.
Biz is about cutting liabilities. Gov is about the people, getting them to not be liabilities because they are still YOUR people.

I am filling out my graduation papers. MCC requires a certificate of completion before one can get and Associates. This is a new thing that happened in the middle of my class carreer. As the available classed have come open, that means I am completing the certificate and the AOS at the same time. But, I am finishing in Decenber and walking with my second degree in May.

Philosophically, I am ok with things being and not being at the same time. True and not true, done and not done. yes and not yes.
Things are in flux all the time and context will change a thing. Science is science only in the context of science. Crazy to you is not crazy to someone else. And to Me? I believe in the external personification of issues, problems, things one has to deal with to evolve and a soul.
Is someone irritating you? have you dealt with what they bother you about with in yourself?

Some people come into your life because they represent and issue that you have to deal with. Once the issue has been dealt with (the person) they will change or go away. You might love them, and that is fine, but they don't need to be around anymore.
If you understand Your evil, you encounter less evil in the world.

That is why I am OK with people that I love leaving. I wasn't there for your forever person, I was there for a part. Same the otherway around.

By "you" I mean me, and by "me" I mean us.

I got scheduled for a hearing evaluation to start the process of getting a hearing aid. but the copay was $75 and I only have $100 right now so I'll have to reschedule for next paychack.
Why do we have insurance when there are new things in the insurance plan that allow then yo Not Cover You? My dental has this thing where they won't pay for major things like crowns untill I have been under the plan for a year. My regular insurance does not seem to be paying for a blood work up I needed. That is not major, so what is the problem?

Go out and VOTE!! I don't care who you vote for but your vote matters! 
the flood of political stupidity only continues because you are not saying otherwise.

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