Oct 11, 2015 10:35
I know I haven't been here in a while.
School is happening, I finally got it all straightened out.
I have an anthropology class to fulfill the natural science requirement. it's pretty easy so far.
The other class is Project management, which is a 200 class. I had my choice of that or another 100 class, but I wanted something with more challenge. Unfortunately, this class is written from an accountants point of view. And the position has something that I have objected to in other business classes. That is that they seem to want to inject a new type of paradigm. "We, the text book writers, want you to think about future business in this way."
Like when I meet people that are fresh out of culinary school, it is easy to spot business school grads. They use certain terminology and do things in particular ways that you actually DON'T do in the real world.
Thankfully, I am out of that newbie stage with my cooking. (not that I think so, but as others have told me.)
Anyway, the class is harder because it requires a mental foundation that I don't have immediately. Oh, and the instructor doesn't appreciate my attempts at humor in the assignments.
Organizing getting time to do class work is a pain int he ass because aI do not have a regular work schedule. No two weeks are the same and we are coming into the busy season which is going to leave me reading on the bus and at stops. No Procrastinating!!
Other than that, my blood pressure and cholesterol is high so I am on medications. I noticed when I was in the Dr office last that my BP started raising when I stopped riding my bike regularly. 2012 when I went up to Mesa Verde, no bike up there and when I came back, all my temp jobs were via bus.
A mild headache has been persisting since I started the new cholesterol meds. I'm not going with causation yet, just coincidence; generic Lipitor.
Something in a movie caught my attention. A scene where the woman is trying to tell the guy about something that is upsetting her.
She kept saying that he wasn't listening. He was trying to identify by showing how he's felt in similar situations. She replies with, "this isn't about you." So he switches tactics and does the positive growth messages. This just upsets her more.
Now; how does one "listen" then? I have tried both of those same methods. I use similar experiences, but then it sounds like I'm just trying to talk about myself. I'm obviously missing something.