Star trek: the next old new generation

May 11, 2009 22:30

Cause, it's you know, the older characters played by new people.

Anyway, over all it was very good. Pine played Kirk's arrogance a little over the top, ZQ played Spock very well, but i missed  Nimoy's deep voice. Quinto's voice has a lilt in it that is a bit prissy.

Lawrence from Grafitti said Khan was in there. Where? I didn't see him or hear mention of him....

Uhura? Svelt sex kitten? Spock's GF? WTF is up with that? They didn't build to THAT at all, it was just ~poof!~ there.
One friend said that the  lead in to the time distortion wasn't working for him.
ST has done time travel before, numerous times. (has done/will do?)
Like Voltaire sings, it's the USS Make Shit Up.
It's actually a minor point that a black hole/singularity will rip you appart and Science fiction NEVER takes into account the time distortion that occurs toward a singularity, but hey, it's ST and they needed a device to make it possible to make new ST movies withough trampling the purists.
ST life is now entirely in an alternate time line where they can deviate freely.

The only other major missing component was the "deal with aliens on their own terms" bit.

I liked the guy who played McCoy and Simon Pegg as Scotty. McCoy even had the nuances of Kelly's speech down.
Chekov and Sulu will need a bit of work.
And Where the Fuck was Nurse Chapel??!!

Most classic lines were delivered at good times when appropriate, as in nit stuffed in there just to get them in there.
Good action and i liked how the didn't limit the outside views of the Enterprise with standard, 2- dimensional plane shots.
They used diagnals, upside-down shots. It was a nice change.
the fight scenes were a little too chaotic, i couldn't keep up with who was where, in what position, doing what.

And, did it only take JTK a week to become Captain? It seemed like it.
Segway people, notify the audience when you are jumping ahead.


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