Strange dream I just had...

Dec 30, 2008 11:09

I was an walking through a complex of some sort, trying to protect the child of some other woman from an evil man who wanted to slay the kid. He was large, tough, and had a minigun, so I was terrified of him. I was armed with a garden scythe. As I came around the corner, I saw the kid and the man taking aim, and I hurled my scythe. It buried itself into his left arm, leaving a huge open wound. He screamed in agony, and I thought the wound would kill him, and it seemed as if I felt the pain of the scythe same as him.

The kid ran away in fear after seeing this, and I followed him, trying to catch him and tell him everything would be okay. As I entered the door I was chasing him through, though, I was suddenly sitting at my computer chair in front of my monitors. I had three monitors for some reason, instead of two. I was trying to watch a movie and play TF2 at the same time. Brian and Tom came in and sat down on the bed behind me, trying to watch the movie. Tom was nursing and dressing a huge gaping wound in his left arm. I was terrified because I had hoped I had killed the evil man and now it was turned into Tom...but he didn't seem to know it was me who wounded him. He was suspicious of me, though. Brian didn't say anything.

Suddenly I was standing in an open concrete landscape next to an enormous man-made hole in the ground, and a figure very similar to Morpheus was telling me to jump into it, that I'd love what I would find and it would free my mind.

Also, I was now the evil man with the gun. I felt wicked, horrible thoughts racing through my head, and I felt strong, indestructible and powerful. I saw scores of other people walking up to the hole and jumping in as well, so I eventually just did it. As I fell, very very slowly, other people who were falling were screaming with joy. Bubbles were coming up from the bottom of the hole and I aimed my body through one, and it slowed me down very briefly.

When I reached the bottom, I landed on my feet inside a shopping mall of some kind. Everybody around me was heavily armed, but nobody was shooting. Everybody just walked around as if nobody was armed at all. Still carrying my minigun, I walked toward a theater, and saw a group of men standing in front of it, trying to show off casually with their miniguns and belts of ammo. I felt disdain for them, because they were just showboaters - I was a true evil man, and they were just pretending for the glamour of it.

I turned away from the theater without entering it and found myself in a whorehouse. Movie advertisement posters were on the wall for all sorts of porn movies for every taste. I walked past a man recieving services and felt very uncomfortable. I kept walking through the whorehouse until I reached an open balcony that overlooked the rest of the mall, and rested my hands on the handrail and looked out at it for a few moments. A madam approached me and asked me if I wanted a standard sort've service today, or something a bit more unusual and special.

I looked down at my shirt, which was my new chewbacca shirt I got for christmas this year, and said to her that I had reconsidered as I was entering this place and I found that I wasn't really in the mood after all, but thank you very much. She politely offered me a small room where I could just get myself off, but I declined and left.

Next I was in my uncle and aunt's house in Florida, and my uncle, who seemed friendly but also just on the verge of snapping, was asking for me to retrieve for him a nicotine donut so he could eat one instead of smoking a cigarette. I looked for one, and couldn't find it. I went back to him, shamed, and told him I couldn't see one. He smiled, but I could tell he was angry, and he asked me to look again. I looked again, more thoroughly, and found one at last. I gave it to him and he turned away, eating it.

I looked down at the table where the donuts were, and next to the donuts were two DVD cases. As I looked at once case, then the other, I saw the movies play out in my head. One was for a young woman who unexpectedly had to board with a group of fraternity men, and the other was the same plot more or less, but with a young girl instead.

Then I woke up.
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