HMD // Any Last Words?

Dec 26, 2011 12:48

Anything you need to forward to the mun, feel free to throw it here; Evil's a pretty new muse still at this point, sooo any kind of input as to how I play him and what I could do to improve would be appreciated; what works, what doesn't, what you want to see more of, what you want to see less of...Seriously, as long as it's helpful?  I can take it.

In terms of general blabber on my end:  just so we're all on the same page here, I pull the guy from the reboot FIRST; I liked the original well enough, in all its terrible 80's glory, but tl;dr I didn't really feel much of a connection to ANY of the characters in the original, so while I'll probably pull in throwbacks here and there, and use what I can to flesh things out as necessary, I'm basing pretty much 98% from the 2011 version.  And even through the name alone, they're really not the same Evil Ed.

So like I said.  Questions, comments, concerns, anything at all, have at it.  I'm listening.

Anon on, IP tracking off, etc etc.

nuts 'n bolts, hmd

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