[thread tracking]

Dec 27, 2011 00:07


It's official; I'm Spider-Man

Be vewy vewy quiet; I'm hunting humans

Fuck vampires -- JACKED from plzgetmedrunk

Not a fucking SHEEP -- JACKED from dealing_death

Whistle while you work


Cue the obligatory mun rant

Memebells (aka non-canon CRACK)

Handcuffs + Jerry = BAD.IDEA -- JACKED from alphajaws

Zombiepocalypse with your enemy; yeah, that's gonna go well -- JACKED from thinkicanmanage

I think I love you, asshole -- JACKED from plzgetmedrunk

Oral fixation -- JACKED from plzgetmedrunk


Fucking Twilight 'verse (Fright Night/Firestarter crossover AU): the continuing chronicles
(with char_he_mcgee)

It's official; I'm Spider-Man

Everything's better when it ends in "In Bed"

Booooks.  *spirit fingers*

Second verse, same as the first

Aww, does baby have the sniffles?

Skateboarding with a human; nothing bad can come from this

Of absent apologies and worlds of awkward

What's my age again?

Of unhappy endings and things left unsaid (WARNING: character death; AU)

Vegas and...Bangor?  Idek.  (Zombiepocalypse AU)

Finding the new "Normal" (immediately post-devamp; fallout, recovery)

Baby it's cold outside (post-devampification)

Sock on the door?  Really? (College AU)

memebells, dear_mun, [verse]: fucking twilight, sws

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