(no subject)

Jan 15, 2012 12:38


Yes, pathetically I'm still trying to do Christmas stuff one month later. I was so busy and exhausted and stressed before and right up to December 25, getting it ready for others (and may I say right now that there's a special place in Hell for self-centered deadbeat relatives who every year deliberately fail to provide Christmas for their children because they know that my sister and I will do it to keep their kids from suffering major disappointment and unhappiness and they don't care that it straps us of every cent we've got AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!)...that I didn't really ever get to just relax and sit down or travel around quietly and enjoy the music, decorations, movies, community events, etc. The only time for that was late at night, when I was too tired to keep my eyes open. So I kept telling myself that between Dec. 26 and New Year's, I could do all those things...but in my part of the country, everything Christmasy gets yanked down then, and everyone but me is sick of Christmas and doesn't even want to discuss it anymore. And then I feel rotten for feeling cheated, because I've got so much to be thankful for and I'm acting like a big whiny self-pitying douche who can't stay out of the Christmas Clearance aisles.

ahem...ANYWAY...found this on Youtube: music videos of four guys pantomiming Christmas songs while dancing, beaming, and appearing to get progressively drunker by the verse. They're my new favorite holiday classics! :D

"Christmas in Killarney"

"Good King Winceslas"
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