Well last night I babysat Baby E overnight while mommy was at work.
Beforehand, we were supposed to go to the mall, so we went to Walmart
to get a new stroller and we took it out the box in the store and
started putting it together and we couldn't figure out the brakes. lol
So we threw it back on the shelf and we bought a highchair instead. :-)
We were walking through the store and I said "I feel like..." and she
finished "you feel like daddy, well you are." You couldn' t tear the
smile off my face. lol
Then we went home...well her home, and fed baby and got a back massage
(much needed) and she got one and we watched a movie together then she
left. I couldn't sleep really but finally did bout 3am, and he woke up
at 5:15 so I had to change him and feed him and burp him....he was
giggeling and laughing. I've never seen a baby smile, laugh and giggle
that early in the morn when mommy wasn't around. Mommy says he likes me
cuz he smiles, and laughs, and giggles, because I keep him occupied.
She told me last night that she wouldn't have trusted me with her son
all night if she wasn't falling for me. She says it's too early for sex
(of which I totally agree) but not too early for love. So I was trying
to not fall for her so quickly, but it's hard when she's so amazing. So
here's a pic of us:
me and her..and mommy and baby!
Then she mentioned my weight and kept with it today and I was sad
because I hate how skinny I am, but I know she wasn't trying to be mean
or rude. She loves me so she wouldn't say something to deliberately
hurt me. Creatine, lifting, eating hasn't worked, so now I'm adding
Whey Protein a few times a day to try and add some weight so I can turn
it into muscle.
Thank you Lord!
Tomorrow....err....tonight her and I should be going to Alex's (my lead
staff) for a Bible Study. I pray she agrees to go with me!
I'm so freaking happy! Yes I am!
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