debs chapter 23

Jan 06, 2011 16:18

Title: debs chapter 23
Author: soccerputte
Rating: pg-13

Chapter 23

Finn was walking in one of the corridors of the hotel; he was on the hunt for one master criminal that was in the building. He grabbed his walkie-talkie; he needed some report on the progress from the other groups that also was out there looking for Rachel Berry.

“Report.” Was all that he said before he waited for them to let him know what they had found.

“We have got nothing here.” That just meant that there was one less place that she could be, but he had hoped that someone had found something that would help them finding Rachel Berry.
As he walked, there was some kind of static electricity or something like, his walkie-talkie gave away some kind of sound.


Rachel was in the vents trying to find her way out of this mess or at least find where she was going and as she was crawling she could hear something, almost spark, great hearing was something that she was glad that she had.

She stopped for a second to listen if she could hear something more but she didn’t hear anything more, so she continued on with what she had been doing. As she moved forward she could still hear something.

She was sure that it was someone down in the hallway that she was above, as she now moved there was a bit of sound coming from her.

“Crap.” Rachel said to herself, she was sure that she had heard something and the person that had made that sound had heard her, there was just one more thing left for her to do.

She put her hand in the pocket, she grabbed some of the gold stars that she had in her pocket, she always carried some with her, which was something that represented her and had done from an early age. She took one last look at them before she threw them in front of her and she moved in the other direction.


Finn had heard that someone was in the vent, and he was sure of that as soon as he heard something hit the metal that built up the tubes that air traveled through.

He grabbed his gun, from the holster and he started to shoot, it was the one thing that he could do.

One bullet penetrated the roof and into the air vent, and the he continued on, he moved backwards as he fired the gun, he knew that whoever was up there was moving in that direction and he had to follow that person and he could just hope that it indeed was Rachel Berry, and if it wasn’t then he hopefully would have caught some other criminal.


As she had thrown the stars, and started to move in the other directions bullets had started to whiz around her, she then knew that she was in trouble and that she needed to find a way out of this went as soon as she could.

Rachel moved as fast as she could and at one point the roof that she was on, she was after all in an air vent that was above the roof of the rooms of the hotel gave away and she fell down. She landed on her back in a room, which looked like a staff room for the hotel employers.

The brunette got up and dusted her back and legs of before she started to run, she hopped that she had some kind of head start to whoever was after her.


Quinn was still on the stage she was holding her speech, she had gotten a bit more comfortable with what she was saying but she was still nervous about what she was saying, she hadn’t after all be involved in this speech at all.

“It was a routine mission gone terribly wrong.” Quinn said, and she started to think back to how it had started, when she got kidnapped, that was somewhat true what she was saying. “I was separated from my squad and knocked unconscious.”

Santana stood to the side and listen careful to what Quinn was saying and the blonde did so far say what it was that she was going to say, that was the main thing. Quinn herself didn’t have to believe what she was saying as long as it was believable.

“I awoke in the arms of the enemy.” Quinn said and looked down on the paper in front of her, she closed her eyes for a second before she continued on with what she was saying. “Just the sound of my own desperate thought to keep me company.”

This made it sound really bad and that was the point, Quinn knew that but it felt wrong, this was not how she had been living during these seven days she had been with Rachel.

“If there is corruption in this city, Rachel Berry is behind it.” Quinn said and Santana stood there with Mr. Schuester and Ms. Sylvester and they all nodded letting her know that she was doing great all she now had to do was continue on the same way.


Rachel was running in the corridors of the hotel she had left the room where she had landed all she now had to do was to find her way to the ballroom where they were supposed to be and when she would find that she needed to find a way to get to the balcony if there was one that she could use for the bungee-jump that Puck had been planning for.

“Noah. Can you hear me?” Rachel asked as she walked up the hallways she had some directions to go on but not that much.

“yeah. Where are you?”

“I am not sure of that. Can you find me and help me to find my way to the ballroom balcony.”

“I will see what I can do.”


Finn could tell that whoever it was that he was chasing had been in this room, it had been the room where they had landed and from the look of it the person had left. There were still some people in the room he hoped that they could help him.

“Where did they go?” He asked as he was about to leave. The three people that were still in the room just shrugged their shoulders.

“Typical.” He muttered to himself, they were not to any help, he had to do everything by himself as he ran out the door, he could tell in what direction the criminal had ran. It was always a start.


Rachel had gotten to the ballroom and she was standing up on the balcony, where she would have been bungee-jumping down from if she had followed the plan that was made. But as the brunette looked down she could see that Quinn was standing on the stage and she was talking, Rachel couldn’t help but to smile as she looked at the blonde on the stage, it was just something about seeing Quinn in an element that she belonged.

“If there is indecency to be found, she is the root to it.” Quinn said and she breathed out she could tell that she was about half way into this speech it was still a bit to go, she just hoped that she would be able to keep it together.

“If there is evil in this world, its name is Rachel Berry.” Quinn said as she looked out on the other DEBS that were in the room with their dates, probably from other agencies. “It’s not until moments like this…” breath Quinn all you have to do is breath and stay calm. “…when you are forced to take stock of yourself…” The blonde looked up at where the balcony was, it was no one there, she was not sure on why she had done that, maybe a part of her was hoping that she would see Rachel standing there telling her what she should do. “…that you see what you are made of.”

As Rachel head these last parts of the speech she didn’t feel like listening anymore but she couldn’t leave, she was hypnotized by Quinn it was just something with the blonde.

Quinn had to admit that Santana had done a pretty good job writing this speech, it was believable and Quinn being the perfect liar to made it easy for her to fool the other ones that were present.

“It’s not until moment like this…” Quinn said and continued on with her speech. “…when you have to remember what is right and true…”

Quinn looked up at the balcony once again and this time she saw that Rachel was there she knew that she needed to do now.


Rachel saw that Quinn had seen her, and she gave the blonde a smile, anything that would help Quinn with this and encourage her to do what she really wanted to do. That was what was most important to Rachel and she hoped that this was enough for Quinn.

“…because it is moments like this when you discover…” that voice was just so, well Rachel didn’t know what word to use to describe Quinn’s voice. “…what it truly means to be a DEB.”

Quinn prayed a silent prayer that she was doing the right thing because after she had done what she was planning on doing it would be no turning back.

“Which is why I can’t accept this award from you tonight.”
Santana looked at the blonde and then she looked at Ms. Sylvester, she had no idea what she was going to tell the older woman if she was asked about this.

“Because the truth is…” Quinn said and she looked up where Rachel was standing, she just needed a smile, from the criminal, telling her that what she was doing was what she should be doing and that Rachel did believe in her. “…the time I spent with Rachel Berry were the happiest days of my life.” She had said it, she was proud of herself; she had been Quinn Farbay and not DEB Quinn.

“And the only brave thing I’ve done this whole time…” Quinn said, and she smiled, she knew that she soon would be out from this place and on her way out from this hotel and into the world. “…is what I’m doing no.”

Quinn made took a last glance to where she knew that Rachel was before she said what she had wanted to do this whole night if she was honest with herself. “So if you will excuse me…” She put down the things that she didn’t need and took one last look at the audience. …I have a date with the devil.”

As Rachel heard the last part she couldn’t help but to smile, she knew that Quinn would be coming looking for her.

She could feel that someone was holding something against her back, she knew that someone had found her that shouldn’t have found her.

“Berry, it’s over.” Rachel turned around and she was faced with a tall young man, his chest was in the same height as her eyes. This was going to be a fun fight.


“Oh my God!” Brittany exclaimed as she realized what it all had meant what Quinn had been saying.


“Was that in the speech?” Ms. Sylvester asked as she looked at Santana, the Latina was as surprised as every other person in the room from what Quinn was saying.

“No that’s not in the speech.” Santana said as she saw Quinn running of the stage in a pair of heels, well running as fast as she could in those shoes.


Finn being the bigger person of the two of them had a bit of advantage about that.

Rachel pushed the hand with the gun away from her, he no longer had it pointing at her, as she had done that Finn dropped the gun to the floor. Finn grabbed Rachel by the arm and he twisted it and she followed with the twist, he held the arm behind her back.

The brunette took one step forward and bent down and Finn came flying over her back, he dropped her arm and she had a chance to run but she didn’t she stayed behind she wanted to make sure that he wasn’t going to follow her in a second.

Finn stood up and launched himself against her, Rachel took a step to the side and she turned around and kicked him in the groin area.

“Son of a--“ was the one thing that Finn could say as he felt Rachel attack him.
he bended down and she punched him in the face and he fell down, he was knocked for the moment.

The criminal took the gun that Finn had dropped earlier; she put it in the back of her pants before she took off in the direction of an exit.


Rachel had been running and she was now standing in a lobby like place, where she was trying to figure out how she should be running from the map that she was studying. As she stood there a man, with a big afro, more like a jewfrow, saw her and as she turned around he was sure what it was that he was seeing.

Rachel Berry was in the building. And he had his chance to be the hero that he wanted to be.


Finn was starting to wake up from the knock-out that had happened from Rachel. He grabbed his walkie-talkie; he had to tell the rest of the groups that Rachel Berry was on the escape in the hotel. “Hostile has escaped and is on the run heading toward sector…” He wasn’t sure on where Rachel was heading so he left that out.


Jewfrow had been running as fast he could to the ballroom where most of the people were gathered. He had to inform them about what he knew he wasn’t sure on how he should be doing this.

“It’s Rachel Berry! She is here!” As he yelled that panic started among all of the people that was attending the endgame.

quinn, art: fic, debs, rachel, crossover, faberry, glee

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