Title: debs chapter 22
Author: soccerputte
Rating: pg-13
Chapter 22
Sue was standing on the stage as she looked out at all of the people that were gathered there for this event. This was her true place in life, this was what she was supposed to be doing.
“Once in a blue moon…” Sue Sylvester said and scanned the crowed. “…an exceptional young lady comes along…” She looked to her right to see that Santana and Quinn were in place before she continued on. “…who truly exemplifies what it means to be a DEB.” She took a breath before she continued on. “Discipline. Energy. Beauty.”
Finn was standing in the crowed, more like in the front. He had a perfect look over what was going on, on the stage; he was going to watch when his girlfriend, well his soon to be girlfriend, was getting her reward. As he was looking one of the other agents had sneaked up to him.
“Rachel Berry has been spotted infiltrating the--" As he heard that he just spat out the drink that he had been drinking.
Finn left with the agent and as they were walking the halls of the hotel on their way to the security room.
“Secure every entrance to this place, every floor.” He said as they kept on walking. “Nobody get in our out without my say-so.”
And as they were about to enter the room there was just one thing that he could say. “Game over, Berry, I’ve got you this time.”
Ms. Sylvester was still on the stage, talking about things that she had been through in her life and that she could relate to this.
“I have spent my life defending this country of ours…” She said as she looked at the crew that was there, she was just eating the attention that she got from them. “And I have learned one thing: That sometimes it’s not on the battlefield…” She looked to her right once again to make sure that Quinn and Santana were still there and they had now been joined by her assistant. “…where true courage is shown. Quinn Fabray survived one of the worst tragedies…” And she paused all that she could think of to make sure that she built this up to what it was needed to. “That could happen to a young lady. Kidnapped…” another dramatic pause “…held hostage…” if there was something that Ms. Sylvester was good at it was building up to a great ending. “…for seven terrible days.”
“Hudson, here.” Finn said as he walked inside the room, he looked at the screens that were present.
“We are not seeing her.” One of the agents said that was sitting in the room as he was scanning over the screens.
“Look again.” The tall young man yelled, he wasn’t going to give up on this. This was his shot and no one was going to take that from him.
“What fears she may have known, none of us can fully appreciate.” Sue said, she was proud over the speech that she was giving as she was informing the rest of the DEBS of what Quinn had been through. “But she has agreed to tell us part of what she learned…” She looked at Quinn. “… On her journey. It gives me great pleasure tonight to give our greatest honor…” Sue grabbed the statute that Quinn was going to receive. “…the Mary Jane…” The name was not the best, is she had been decided on a name it would have been the Sue Sylvester, maybe they should change it to next year. “…to our very own perfect score…” Sue lifted the award and showed it the audience. “…Quinn Farbay.”
Santana had to almost push Quinn so that the blonde walked out on the stage, and take the award and give the speech that she was going to hold.
The blonde took the a few steps at first not wanting to do this but with each step she got more and more confident about this, she knew that she could go through with this and she was going to do so.
Quinn stood with the award next to her, she had the podium in front of her. She put down the papers where her speech was written on. She looked out over the crowed. The lights were almost blinding her, but this was her life at the moment, being in the spotlight, maybe someday she could get used to it to some degree.
“Courage.” She started off, she didn’t sound so sure of what she was saying. “Courage is a big word. I did not know what courage meant to me…” Breath, she had to tell herself.
Santana stood next to Ms. Sylvester and looked at Quinn she had just started the speech and so far it was going according to the plans, and the Latina was pretty sure that it would do that.
“…until I endured seven agonizing days…” as she said that something in her felt wrong but she ignored the feeling. “…in captivity…”
Brittany was listening to what Quinn was saying, she knew that Santana had been the one that had written the speech, and the blonde could tell that there was something missing in the voice that Quinn was talking in, this was not Quinn. It almost sounded like she was playing a role that she didn’t want to play.
Kurt listened to the speech, but just halfway, this was not the thing that he wanted to be doing, there were far more interesting things that could be said, and he hoped that it would be addressed later in the speech, such things as Quinn Fabray actually sleeping with the enemy, that would make a great speech and interesting turn on this pretty boring party.
Rachel was still crawling in the ventilations, she felt like she was going in the wrong direction but from the map that she had with her she was going in the right direction. But she did wonder if Puck had drawn it right to her.
There was no sound that would give it away that it was a party somewhere in this building, at one point she had felt what kind of food that they were making in the kitchen and that had made her hungry.
The criminal had also heard what was going on in some hotel rooms, that was kind of interesting but she couldn’t stay and listen to that, she had a mission.
“Noah, you better have given me the right map…” She yelled, well as good as she could yell at him through the radio, without giving herself away in any kind of way. “…this is not the right ones…” Rachel was a bit frustrated with him. “… I know how to read a map, I am Rachel Berry… ….You know just leave it alone, I’ll find my own way out from this mess.”
That was now the plan, just find a way out from this and then find Quinn in some other way and at the same time stay under the radar.
Mr. Schuster had made it to the stage and he was standing next to the assistant and did his best to try and flirt with her.
“Do you need some more gel?” Sue asked as he saw him, she wasn’t the biggest fan of the man and she made sure that he knew it, and the best part of this job she had was that she was in charge of things.
“No, I don’t.” Will said and looked at his boss. “But maybe you need something.”
“That is just in your imagination.” Sue said and looked at him before continuing, “And I know that is good, because you think that you have a chance with my assistant.”
“You don’t know anything about that.” Will said and frowned his eyebrows.
“That is where you are wrong William, you see if I tell her not to anything with you…” Sue said and looked at Mr. Schuester. “…then she won’t she does what I tell her to do.”
“Sue, she is not your slave.”
“You say potato I say potato…”
Finn had left with a group of agents, if they couldn’t find Rachel Berry on the screen, where she should be. Then the next step would be to search the hotel, and that was what he was planning on doing. He was going to have some help by agents that he knew and trusted.
He didn’t care if it meant that he missed Quinn’s speech, this was far more important, no one was going to have a chance to ruin this night for him or for Quinn. And one Rachel Berry would do just that, she would be ruining his night if she would get the chance and if he was in charge the criminal would never have the chance to do so.
Finn had all of the agents with him and he was going to start giving them orders on what they should be doing.
“You three go that way.” Finn said and pointed in one direction. “You three got that way.” After he had told them what way they all should be going, he started to give them different kinds of guns. “Try to get her alive but if that is not possible…” he looked at them, he was taking charge, he felt that his father was going to be proud of him as he was getting this done. “Go.”
Quinn was on the stage holding her speech, she had been talking about courage and at this moment she was not sure if she had any or if she had ever had any courage and how Rachel had been holding her hostage, well that was going to come but it felt wrong talking about Rachel this way. Quinn did after all know the real Rachel and this, this that she was saying was not the real Rachel.
“…captured and held hostage by a madwoman.” Quinn was in her role as a DEB, but she was nowhere near being the Quinn that she knew that she could be and she knew that she never would be that Quinn not as long as she did what she did.