Oct 11, 2009 15:31
Today, October 11, 2009, marks 6 months of me and Jake :D haha. So yeah, you were probably wonder why I wouldn't stop texting, but yeah. Sorry. Anyways, this morning I woke up to a text that said, "Good morning Baby, I love you soooo much and I miss you. You're the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for. I'm so lucky. I love you." And I was like :D Awww. He's so sweet. I can't even believe that I've lasted in a relationship this long. I mean I seriously just push guys away and that's it. But Jake, he's different I guess. He actually is fighting for me. Haha, yeah, I make it hard on him, and sometimes I am a jerk to him, but he doesn't leave. I don't get why. Like, a few months ago, I didn't talk to him for a week. I was just like super upset and he sat there and didn't leave me. I mean, if someone didn't talk to me for a week and treated me like a jerk, I would of left. But don't get me wrong I'm not complaining. Anywho, I just wanted to share that. :)